Infinite Fuel

This mod add 3 tiers of infinite fuel, every tier can be disabled and more is coming... compatible with krastorio 2 vehicle

4 months ago
0.17 - 2.0


3 years ago

Doesnt work with K2 SE

3 years ago

can you be a bit more clear?
for example:
K2 and SE are Krastorio2 and Space Exploration?
In what machines / vehicles the fuel don't work?
Where do you want it to work?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hello, With Train, Mods : Krastorio 2 and Space Exploration

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Ok I'm gonna check this and upload an update tomorrow (my time: 22:32)
I don't know what to do with SE so I'm just gonna chek if there're train in it.

3 years ago

I'm sorry but I actually can0t do anythign about this problem, since the IF is loaded first SE overwrite it and the fuel can't work, I'm gonna work on a solution but actually I can't do much, it it's ok you can download random utilities with this mod installed the infinite fuel work fine, probably the fix is going to be a needed mod so IDK when i'm gonna do this...

Check discord for more info/faster response:

3 years ago

Ok thanks is it possible to add a function to keep the same size for each tiers cause all my blueprint use the vanilla size (talking about beacon)

3 years ago

well this is something about Random Utilities but yeah I'm gonna see what can I do about it

3 years ago

Ok thanks and behemot and all inserters doesnt work too

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Inserter work they are just filtered

Please send question about other mod in the propr mod page

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

The nuclear and K2 vehicle fuels still don't seem to work when using K2SE, any word on getting that fixed?

Edit: Specifically, the items exist, but they don't get properly added to the Infinite Fuel tech.

2 years ago

Tomorrow I'm going to donwload K2 and SE again and See if I can fi this, when I checked for the first time it was not something that I could fix without a secondary mod, also I do not remember why RU fixed the issue back then.

If I find somthing usesul I'll say it there and on discord.

New response