Induction Charging deprecated

by Raeon

Power your equipment grid whilst in range of power poles, albeit at a price.

3 years ago

g Add remote interface?

2 years ago

Hello, I made a mod that adds more (larger/faster) induction coils for use with its own charging mechanics, and I wanted to register them with this mod too so they would have all the functionality of the small induction coil that this script already charges.
However, this mod doesn't have a remote interface that lets me register new coil equipments with the script and have them get charged too. I'd have to make my own fork of the mod just to register a 2x2 coil... It would be nice if this mod supported it in and of itself :D
Then I could just keep using the public release from the portal too, which is nice.

Anyway, let me know if this is something you might be willing to look into, I'd appreciate it a lot!

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