I, Robot

by Pi-C

You are Compilatron. Just a graphic change.

2 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

i Soooo... lets talk about the Jetpack mod and how it kinda ruins my robot life immersion.

7 months ago

Im playing a Nullius maximus run through and it has the jetpack mod and im playing with this mod cuz it you know, totally fits the nullius fluff text. But every time I up, up and away with my handy dandy jetpack the character model changes back to the power armour Hu Man. is there a way this can be patched?? tiny haver fans or jet engines that pop out the robots side panels?

7 months ago

I am not a graphics artist, the graphics for the character use the graphics of "compilatron" from Factorio. If you are able to create the graphics, I'll do my best to integrate them into the mod. :-)

7 months ago
(updated 7 months ago)

Ok I am converting the Jetpack mod Graphics with photoshop, ill see what I can do to make a flying variant. This is very tedious work photoshopping out the armour and masking in compilation

7 months ago

Glad you took on that task. It's looking good so far -- far better than what I could have made! :-D

7 months ago

Ive reached out to the Jetpack mod author to help make an official fork. Here is the current (pretty much done) version

7 months ago

Looks good! Do you want to collaborate on this mod?

7 months ago

happy too, issue is the assets from the jetpack mod are not allowed to be used... so if I get their perms all good, if not ill need to make my own jetpack assets and make the jetpack mod from the ground up. I can do all the graphics stuff but the mod integration stuff is over my head lol.

if so im thinking just re doing the compilatron model from scratch and making the side hatches open with 2 fans pop out the sides. Then the mod would rely on the character energy level instead of fuel.

ps jump in the thread on the jetpack mod discord
https://discord.gg/4AKp7QGn -> https://discord.com/channels/419526714721566720/1245247619454734419


7 months ago

Jetpack mod authors response:

"You DO NOT have permission to make a fork of the jetpack mod. You also don't need to. You can make a mod that has Jetpack as a dependency, and your mod would just overwrite data.raw["jetpack-animation"] with whatever graphics file you have in your mod. There are 3 layers: "jetpack-animation", "jetpack-animation-mask", and "jetpack-animation-flame". This will need to be done in the data-final-fixes phase or it won't have any effect."

So if you want, and can understand whatever he said about overiting the jetpack mod graphics then ill make a "jetpack-animation-flame" mask that will just have a flame jet coming out the bottom of Compilatron. It will align with the assets you already use for the hr-compilatron-walk-1.png etc. Unless the animation cell spacing needs to be wider like in the jetpack mod?? idk hit me up on discord and we can colab on this if you want. 23chaos23

7 months ago

Jetpack mod authors response:

"[…] You can make a mod that has Jetpack as a dependency, and your mod would just overwrite data.raw["jetpack-animation"] with whatever graphics file you have in your mod. There are 3 layers: "jetpack-animation", "jetpack-animation-mask", and "jetpack-animation-flame". This will need to be done in the data-final-fixes phase or it won't have any effect."

As author of miniMAXIme, I believe that the suggested approach is impractical. It would work if "I, Robot" was the only character mod used in the game. But as soon as there are more characters to choose from in the game, all flying characters would be changed to look like compilatron. It would solve the issue for "I, Robot" only, not for the other character mods.

Basically, the main problem is that Jetpack follows the assumption of vanilla Factorio that all players will use data.raw.character["character"] and it is therefore sufficient to use data.raw.character["character-jetpack"] with data.raw.animation["jetpack-animation"] for the flying version. What should happen instead is that characters can provide their own animation and whenever they switch to another character, the jetpack animation is switched as well.

What we really need is a way to tell Jetpack "If the player is using the default character, use the default animation; if the player is using IRobot_character_skin, use jetpack-animation-IRobot_character_skin; if the player is using Shrek-skin, use jetpack-animation-Shrek-skin, and if the player is using a custom character without custom animation, fall back to jetpack-animation!".

idk hit me up on discord and we can colab on this if you want.

I'm neither on Discord nor any other "social" media except for the Factorio forums and mod portal. Why? I don't like to register at places that already belong to (or coud be bought up in the future) by Big Money (TM) -- and I'm afraid of getting sucked in and wasting precious time that I could use better for modding. If you're on the forums, you could contact me per PM …

7 months ago

All good ill try find you in the forum, was just looking for a faster way to communicate and share files to enable the colab, anyway here is the forum post so we can sort this code monkey stuff out. Thanks again for being so supportive and interested in this

New response