Hover Car [0.18-1.1]

A hovering car to quickly traverse rough terrain. Support for 0.18+

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

b 0.8.17 Driving-lock not removed if car is destroyed

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

great mod! Using it extensively.
Unfortunately however there seems to be a bug when the hover car is destroyed.
The driving lock is not removed, so in a multiplayer game an admin needs to remove the driving-lock from /permissions manually.

Steps to reproduce: Enter car. Die some way. Try to enter a train, car or hover car.

EDIT: there seems to be a typo. I meant version 0.18.17 :(


4 years ago

Thank you for telling me about this. It was a new bug caused whenever I fixed another bug in the last update. This has now been fixed in version 0.2.8.

New response