Heat Capacitor

by snakeru

Adds a capacitor structure for storing heat, useful for regulating power load of Nuclear Reactors.

2 years ago

i heat transfer

1 year, 10 months ago

hi, I'm an old modder and I have a few ideas:

First, there's an issue with some modded that go beyond 1000C, and it would be better if you increase the max temperature.

Second, the temperature difference for heat exchange to occur don't have to be an integer, it can be set for example to 0.1C, this would allow for sending heat over longer distances and that would help a lot in designing reactors.

1 year, 1 month ago

Hi @CyberWizard2261.

Nice to see you around. After having this mod installed for quite some time I noticed that I actually don't use it. I had it for the only purpose of usage together with RealisticReactors, but somehow the existing heat pipes have just enough capacity to provide enough thermal mass.

So they probably have to get nerfed first for this mod to be more usable. But I suspect this might affect maximum distance from reactor to the heat exchangers.

In any case, thanks! May be the next modder will use your tips.

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