HandyHands - Automatic handcrafting

by Qon

Automatically start handcrafting an item that is quickbar filtered (or in logistics requests) that you don't have enough of whenever your crafting queue is empty. Prioritises items in your cursor and what you need the most. It's like having logistics deliveries for early game!

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g [Resolved] Any way to show personal logistics requests before bots?

2 years ago

Is there any way (base game or mod) to show the personal logistics requests before unlocking robotics? Would be great to be able to use that to control this mod from the beginning.

2 years ago

HandyHands already automatically does this for you.

When you start a world with the player setting "Logistics requests are autocraft requests" set to something other than "Never" (it's not the default), personal logistics request slots are automatically enabled for your force without the otherwise required research.

If you install the mod after starting the world then running the command

/c game.player.force.character_logistic_requests = true

will enable it for you. If you want to run commands and still have achievements then there are mods that lets you run commands without disabling achievements. Like https://mods.factorio.com/mod/some-luaconsole

The mod can be controlled from the beginning without personal logistics requests also, check the FAQ. It was made fully functional without logistics requests, it's just an additional way to control it for convenience.

2 years ago

Thanks! The console command worked!

2 years ago

For some reason, every time I reload the game, my personal logistics request window disappears. I re-add it with the console command you gave me, and it comes back blank. When I add a single entry, the whole thing gets repopulated with what I had set though, so not a huge deal for me. Not sure if that action is from this mod, or another one, but figured I'd report it anyway.

2 years ago

I just started getting a crash. This happens right after I unlocked construction robots in SeaBlock. Only happens if HandyHands is active.

The mod HandyHands - Automatic handcrafting - Community update (1.12.5) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event HandyHandsCommunity::on_nth_tick(7)
HandyHandsCommunity/control.lua:222: table index is nil
stack traceback:
HandyHandsCommunity/control.lua:222: in function 'build_request_iterator'
HandyHandsCommunity/control.lua:287: in function 'hh_player'
HandyHandsCommunity/control.lua:121: in function 'check_player_requests'
HandyHandsCommunity/control.lua:58: in function <HandyHandsCommunity/control.lua:55>

2 years ago

That's not a bug in HandyHands, that's a bug in HandyHandsCommunity. I can only edit my own original mod, not others copies. Use my original or ask the author of the mod you are using for a fix.

2 years ago

Oh, I must have accidentally installed a different version and didn't realize it.

2 years ago

fyi, I installed your version and haven't had any issues. Thanks for this great mod!

2 years ago

Thanks for enjoying my mod and thanks for taking the time reporting back that my mod works so I don't have to worry :)

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