HandyHands - Automatic handcrafting

by Qon

Automatically start handcrafting an item that is quickbar filtered (or in logistics requests) that you don't have enough of whenever your crafting queue is empty. Prioritises items in your cursor and what you need the most. It's like having logistics deliveries for early game!

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g [Updated] 1.1

4 years ago

Any chance on a 1.1 update? The modding API changed (though nothing for this mod I think? Didn't look in detail, lot of changes) and mods require a 1.1 update. ^.^

4 years ago

+1 :)

4 years ago

I hope you can update, this mod is a must have !

4 years ago

I'm planning on updating soon :)

4 years ago

thanks for the good news !

4 years ago

Woot! @Qon Handy Hands is such an amazingly useful QoL mod, it's hard to be without it. ^.^

4 years ago

139: if p.character and p.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_trash).get_item_count(item) then
140: mi = math.min(mi, p.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_trash).get_item_count(item))

185: for i = 1, p.character.request_slot_count do

371: if p.character and p.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_trash).get_item_count(item) ~= nil and p.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_trash).get_item_count(item) < math.ceil(game.item_prototypes[item].stack_size*d.settings[item]) then
372: trash_warning = ' [Auto trash: '..p.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_trash).get_item_count(item)..']'

4 years ago

Can you pls upload the file? I get a function error..
Big THX!

4 years ago

Any ETA on an update? Not to be 'that guy', but this is my #1 QOL mod that is next to impossible to play without. I tried to have a swing at updating it myself but my lua isn't what it once was

4 years ago

I have uploaded an updated version: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/HandyHandsCommunity

Note that this has logistics trash slot checks disabled, so it will keep autocrafting things even when they're in your trash slots. But it does work

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Note that this has logistics trash slot checks disabled


4 years ago

Downloading Factorio 1.1 now. Planned on having the updates out sooner but... things got delayed :/

4 years ago

@Qon Thanks for the update, looking forward! Understand the delaying, real life after all. ^.^

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

@Qon Just merge with my fix for 1.1 if you don't planning any changes. Already tested and worked.

4 years ago

Updated for Factorio 1.1
Sorry it took so much time D:

Please report any bugs. It's hard to test right now so I only do some light testing to make sure it loads and doesn't seem to crash immediatly on use q:
I'll try to fix things a bit faster. Now that I've moved over to 1.1 it's a bit easier to get going than the past month so it shouldn't take months to fix small errors :s

4 years ago


Note that this has logistics trash slot checks disabled, so it will keep autocrafting things even when they're in your trash slots. But it does work

My update should have a working fix for the trash slots. And it's for 1.1 :)
But thanks for keeping people Handy while I was gone ^^

4 years ago

Woot! You're awesome! Thanks much!

4 years ago

Nice to hear you enjoy it :)

4 years ago

For note just as a followup, seems to work perfectly thus far. :-)

This is one of those mods that I really say belongs in vanilla it fits so well (maybe behind a technology or so, maybe...). ^.^

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