HandyHands - Automatic handcrafting

by Qon

Automatically start handcrafting an item that is quickbar filtered (or in logistics requests) that you don't have enough of whenever your crafting queue is empty. Prioritises items in your cursor and what you need the most. It's like having logistics deliveries for early game!

4 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Thank you

5 years ago

Holy shit thanks so much for updating, I tried to do it manually but didn't have time to dig deeply enough to figure out how to make it work and OMG I need this mod so bad so thank you :)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Thank you for telling me that you appreciate my mod, I'm grinning from ear to ear reading your post. I enjoy the praise q:
Also, I'm happy you are enjoying it. I uploaded the mod to make people enjoy the game more and at this point, I can say I've succeeded!

Looking at your profile I see that you are the author of Research Queue. I enjoyed that mod. And now it's incorporated in the base game. I think that's awesome, your baby grew up and stopped depending on you. I think that's some of the highest praise you can get from the devs/community. Really shows that people think that you had a great idea. I wonder if I can achieve that with one of my mods someday?

I'm going to try All Night Vision too. Mostly because the name is so clever I just have too :3

I'm Qonsidering releasing another mod (VV) soon™. I released that new mod on the forums years ago in alpha state but never did a full release. Now there are similar mods that are not as good that have been released on the portal and I guess I should provide the better alternative so people don't have to suffer the inferior alternatives xD

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