Gun Turret 2

Add tier 2 gun turret + research. Stack size and range configurable. Vanilla friendly.

5 months ago

b It's not working

10 months ago

Unknown key: "modifier-description.gun-turret-2-attack-bonus"

10 months ago

just not named

10 months ago

fixed in 1.0.5

10 months ago

Not working (again? just tried to install). Problem is a ".png.png". I fixed it in my local copy. Exact same issue in Laser Turret 2.

10 months ago

what where :D

9 months ago

After install it refuses to launch the game because of a missing file, with a rather obvious error of the missing file having a ".png.png" extension. A quick text search of the mod files turned up a single entry with ".png.png" (in both mods); after fixing it, the mods loaded fine.

9 months ago

I can confirm this works after fixing the .png.png problem in prototypes/entity.lua
Anyways, thanks for this simple mod :-)

7 months ago

its fixed in 1.0.6 :D

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