Global Warming

by Mylon

Pollution will cause sea level rise and desertification. Be careful that your factory does not destroy the entire planet.

4 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Some way to combat desertification?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I'm debating on keeping this mod installed.
I have no problem with the mechanics it adds, in fact, I really like that you have a way of combating overflowing ponds, but I am less a fan of the desertification, it ruins all my concrete factory flooring and unlike the water overflow which can be combated with landfill and walls, there's no way to stop a desert from ruining my factory floors except for drastic anti-pollution measures nor to return grass.
It would be good to have either a way to reverse the desert effect or to stop it with a structure.

7 years ago

Bio-industries lets you plant grass.

7 years ago

Desertification shouldn't undo concrete. That is unintended and I'll fix it.

New response