Global Warming

by Mylon

Pollution will cause sea level rise and desertification. Be careful that your factory does not destroy the entire planet.

4 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Massive UPS drops

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)

Hey Mylon,

a user of my modpack ( reported massive UPS drops with your mod. He uploaded a savegame ( so I could see for myself. 2-3 seconds after loading the savegame, the script time of GlobalWarming goes up to 50+, which makes the game a lag fest. It stops when the water also stops expanding. I hope you can help.

8 years ago

I'm going to have to switch to maintaining a table of potential chunks. The current method of finding shore tiles is very inefficient. It'll take some time to test it out but it needs to be done.

8 years ago

Updated with a new method! Performance is improved.

New response