Global Warming

by Mylon

Pollution will cause sea level rise and desertification. Be careful that your factory does not destroy the entire planet.

4 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Immersion ruined

8 years ago

I see no polar regions containing floating bodies of frozen water. Since these icebergs don't exist wouldn't global warming have the opposite effect and evaporate the water faster. And if this was the case desertification wouldn't happen as all that evaporated water would eventually condense and come back down as rain and make swamps........

Just my 2 cents :)

8 years ago

You can keep your 2 cents. Does your glass of soda spill out when the ice cubes melt ? NO ! Only inland ice can make sea levels rise while melting. Icebergs displace as much water in solid state than in liquid state. Go to the sahara and tell me how swampy it became last 30 years. You ruined my immersion with real life and physics.

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