Ghost In Hand

When a last held item is placed (either by you or by your construction robots) normally your hand would be emptied forcing you to pick that item again. This mod changes this behaviour, so that when you run out of items, a held item is replaced with its ghost.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Ghost item from empty toolbar

3 years ago

Would it be possible for you to make this work for the toolbar when their is none of the item in your inventory? Example: I just put down a splitter and I have no belts in my inventory, but they toolbar'd to hotkey 1. I'd like for a ghost item to appear when I press the hotkey so I can finish mapping out what ever build I'm doing before going to refill the item. What I usually have do in that situation is to ctrl+c an item I've already put down and use that to ghost.

3 years ago

NVM. I just found this option in the settings menu under interface settings, interaction.

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