GUI Unifyer deprecated

by snouz

[outdated, use GUI Unifier: unified] Forces mod buttons to look uniform and aligned, harminizes icons, and adds visual options for buttons. Supports about 116 mods with buttons (=most of them) : Factory Planner, Helmod, YARM, Module Inserter, Bob's mods, Pyanodon, Schall's mods, Todolist, Creative Mod, BeastFinder, Blueprint-request, CleanMap, Death Counter, FJEI, 248k, Hive Mind, Outpost Planner, Silo Stats, Attila Zoom, Zoom, Auto Trash, Teleportation, RPG, Trashcan, Kuxynator's ...

3 years ago

b [FIXED] on_player_changed_surface

3 years ago

109.424 Error MainLoop.cpp:1285: Exception at tick 162444: Мод Beltlayer (2.0.3) вызвал неустранимую ошибку.
Пожалуйста, сообщите об этой ошибке автору мода.

Error while running event beltlayer::beltlayer-toggle-editor-view (ID 174)
Мод GUI Unifyer (1.11.9) вызвал неустранимую ошибку.
Пожалуйста, сообщите об этой ошибке автору мода.

Error while running event GUI_Unifyer::on_player_changed_surface (ID 52)
GUI_Unifyer/control.lua:766: attempt to index global 'player' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
GUI_Unifyer/control.lua:766: in function <GUI_Unifyer/control.lua:765>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'teleport'
beltlayer/lualib/BaseEditor/BaseEditor.lua:406: in function 'move_player_to_editor'
beltlayer/lualib/BaseEditor/BaseEditor.lua:425: in function 'toggle_editor_status_for_player'
beltlayer/control.lua:53: in function <beltlayer/control.lua:52>
109.424 Error ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:91: MultiplayerManager failed: "Мод Beltlayer (2.0.3) вызвал неустранимую ошибку.
Пожалуйста, сообщите об этой ошибке автору мода.

Error while running event beltlayer::beltlayer-toggle-editor-view (ID 174)
Мод GUI Unifyer (1.11.9) вызвал неустранимую ошибку.
Пожалуйста, сообщите об этой ошибке автору мода.

Error while running event GUI_Unifyer::on_player_changed_surface (ID 52)
GUI_Unifyer/control.lua:766: attempt to index global 'player' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
GUI_Unifyer/control.lua:766: in function <GUI_Unifyer/control.lua:765>
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'teleport'
beltlayer/lualib/BaseEditor/BaseEditor.lua:406: in function 'move_player_to_editor'
beltlayer/lualib/BaseEditor/BaseEditor.lua:425: in function 'toggle_editor_status_for_player'
beltlayer/control.lua:53: in function <beltlayer/control.lua:52>"

When trying to switch to Beltlayer or Pipelayer, the same error occurs.

3 years ago

Hi, thanks for reporting, this is fixed in 1.11.10

New response