GUI Unifyer deprecated

by snouz

[outdated, use GUI Unifier: unified] Forces mod buttons to look uniform and aligned, harminizes icons, and adds visual options for buttons. Supports about 116 mods with buttons (=most of them) : Factory Planner, Helmod, YARM, Module Inserter, Bob's mods, Pyanodon, Schall's mods, Todolist, Creative Mod, BeastFinder, Blueprint-request, CleanMap, Death Counter, FJEI, 248k, Hive Mind, Outpost Planner, Silo Stats, Attila Zoom, Zoom, Auto Trash, Teleportation, RPG, Trashcan, Kuxynator's ...

3 years ago

g Icon set

3 years ago

What icon set do you use? Do you just google for something that you think fits better or do you have a specific palette of icons you choose from?

I am the author of the Screenshot Toolkit and my idea of making a camera-cyclops failed tremendously. I plan to change the icon to some sort of camera and maybe add some more icons in the ui. Seeing that your mod apparently hits a nerve it would be nice to have an icon that does not make people cringe :D

3 years ago

Hi ! Your toolkit icon is cool, I just changed the aesthetic of all flat white icons, as I wanted everything to have more volume and color, I just think it's easier to understand.
I'm not using one particular set, I'm usually either googling images or using this site:
It's full of already transparent, flat, free icons, and I usually add volume with photoshop effects. I also use the game's icons. I tried to go with the most identifiable images based on function, and since I "unify" the style, some icons are losing a bit of personality in the process.

3 years ago

Oh, thats a very nice site. I was mostly using Font Awesome for icons, and those are a bit of work to look nice. I will definitly use that site from now on, thanks a lot!

Your toolkit icon is cool

Personally, I think so as well, but there are a lot of people who don't recognize the cyclops or are simply wondering what it should display

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