GDIW - Gah! DarnItWater!

Allows switching liquid recipe inputs and outputs.

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Failing to load with Angel's petrochem

5 years ago

I've narrowed this down to Angel's Petrochem. Below is the message that pops up.

5 years ago

Same problem here.

5 years ago

I am having that crash message on load except I don't have Angel's petrochem installed.

5 years ago

magnus97 shared updated code that should avoid the issue. Version 0.17.3 released.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

i have the same problem now, but different error
and when i get it from the ingame mod menu, i get this error

EDIT: the issue was parenthesis around the question marks in the info.json file, had to remove them, now it works

4 years ago

parenthesis around the question marks is a feature in the 0.17 version, which lets it be a "hidden" optional prereq. Your not trying to use the 0.17 version in 0.16 are you?

yeah, i haven't played the game in a long time, sorry, but it works fine in 0.16 if i remove them

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