Furnace Mining Drill

An Electric Mining Drill that has a Electric Furnace, or an Eletric Furnace that has a Electric Mining Drill.

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g How the heck does this mod work?

4 years ago

So, from one person who makes mods to another, how the heck does this mod actually work? It seems like you have code in control.lua that says whenever a passive-furnace is placed on the map (the only item a player can hold/create/touch) then the scripting of the mod drops an electric-furnance-drill down on top of the item, and consequently, removes it when the entity is destroyed or mined from the world.

Is that it? Factorio says "Oh, since the output vector is 0.0, there must be an internal storage slot for the ore!" and it just dumps it straight into the invisible furnace that occupies the same grid-slot in the world? Am I right in that being how this works? I've never seen anyone make a mod like this, so I'm utterly baffled by what's going on.

4 years ago

Hi Kingdud... thats it!!! :) i have some mods that just "combine" one thing to the other... the "Miner inserter" do that too, And the "Logistic mines/Bufferized Mines".. :)

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