Automatic Train Fuel Stop deprecated

This mod allows trains with low fuel to automatically enter the fuel stop to replenish fuel.

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Electric Shuttle (real Shuttle)

1 year, 14 days ago


I've almost always been using your mod. This is gem, so deep thanks for that before anything else :)
Recently I just started playing with Real Shuttle ( The most powerful version uses electricity network for refueling, as it uses electricity as fuel. It charges batteries when standing in a fire pole range.
I'm also playing with Shuttle Train ( which allows me to call the shuttle from any rail section on the map, use it to go to destination, then as soon as I leave the shuttle it is sent back to the depot.
However, Fuel Stop seems to create a loop on the shuttle. As soon as the electric shuttle is sent back to depot, after it arrives at the depot, it goes for a refuel at the Fuel Stop. It does not have any burnable fuel slot, so it leaves almost instantly, goes back to the depot, then leave again for refuelling, etc... endlessy. Would it be possible to make an exception for Loco that don't use burnable fuel but run with electricity, to do not be called by the Fuel Stop?

Thanks in advance :)
Have a great day!


1 year, 14 days ago

Oh wait! I've just seen this into Electric Shuttle Train.
"You can set a station name that will prevent electric shuttles from ever trying to go to that station. This is useful if you're using a mod like Train Refuel Station that doesn't really apply to electric shuttles."
This should solve my issue! You Factorio modders are insanely amazing. Just like Wube you try to anticipate every situation...
I'll let you know if I still have an issue but that should solve my issue I think :)
Have a great day!

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