Automatic Train Fuel Stop

This mod allows trains with low fuel to automatically enter the fuel stop to replenish fuel.

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1

g define 'fuel is low' for me please :)

7 years ago

In my playthrough I one train so far.
I've set up a fuel stop, with a small stacker for the future.
the train is visiting when its down by ONE coal in each train. (each of the two engines has 49/50/50 coal in its bunker.

this isn't what i think of as 'low fuel'.

I'm wondering if I am missing some configuration step or something?

7 years ago

Hello, which version of this mod do you use and what other mods did you install? Please try the current version, so that the error can be solved. Normally, the stop should be approached only if there is less than 12 coal. In the current version, I have increased the amount to 25 coal

7 years ago

I was using .15.1, I have the .15.7 update, i'll re-enable to test.
I use quite a few mods.. if it still occurs i'll post my modlist

7 years ago

I found the culprit for me.. end game combat

No idea why.. but it makes the trains go to refuel after every stop.

I hope there is a way around it, i like the changes to the end game :)

7 years ago

I looked at the mod quickly and will provide a new version asap.

7 years ago

wow. cool! I'd already decided to ditch the other mod for the time being as having the train stop was more game affecting. Having both would be cool!

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