Currently 28 hours in, 6 bases with trains, behemoth biters not yet sighted, but expected soon, tech level: on-demand blue science production, laser turrets, tanks, power armor, drones.
Man the game is hard, thankfully now with enough laser turrets it at least seems that i won't die anymore...
I especially love the cost change you did on solar panels. They are so bloody expensive that green power seems like an utopistic dream. So far I made ~5MW from solar (out of 20MW), and it takes bloody time to get more, even with a massive 6-base factory. But build them i must, since leviathans might be the doom of me with current pollution levels.
I also like the triple cost on electric furnace, since it's the only way of reducing pollution from smelting (with efficiency modules). Not that i have any of those yet, solar first..
Overall, it's a wonderful experience, and your mod really turns many otherwise mundane tasks (solar / electric furnaces / research) into challenges that each require several hours of dedicated effort to accomplish with reasonable results.
Keep up the great work!
P.S.: Are you still planning the increased cost of higher-tier items? Might fit in nicely.