Free Buildings

The Factory Must Grow. Crafting Buildings is Fast & Free. A mod for the editor-mode, x1000 science and shapez enjoyers.

26 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g I like!

5 months ago

Never seen anyone just give positive feedback on mods here, so sorry if this is inappropriate, but I wanted to just compliment you on the mod. It works fine for me so far, and it has provided a different way for me to enjoy the game. If I had to make a suggestion, I wish the decomposition thing was named differently and that, by default, the vanilla recipes for science remained intact by default.

5 months ago

Hey thanks! <3 I agree with your suggestion in both aspects, was pondering if I should try and improve the accuracy but your comment gave me some inspiration to get it done.

Check out the latest update :) Sadly logistic science packs are still 1.5 iron more expensive than they should be for vanilla, thanks to how the rounding worked out. I figure it's close enough to not be a terrible issue, considering the more expensive Production science perfectly matches the vanilla cost. Good luck weaving those 6 ingredients in there! I'll be trying that puzzle soon enough myself haha.

5 months ago

Oh, sorry. I been turning off demoposition and building from the vanilla recipes. So not much opinion on how accurate the new ones you added are. When I saw that green science requires, like chips, iron, and gears, I quite that map and restarted after chagning the settings. Kind of a bummer because I forgot to save the map seed and overwrote the save file, but oh well.

If you are still looking for ideas, I wouldn't mind the option for slower craft times. Between vanilla speed and the way you have it.

Again, it's all good. I 100% like your mod and playing it with my current save. Been looking at your other mods too!

3 months ago

Will this becoming to 2.0?

3 months ago

Yes it will! This one I'm updating very soon, because (fingers crossed) it won't have any major issues.

3 months ago

We are updated for 2.0 and associated dlc! You might notice an issue when shift-clicking something in your crafting menu. I made a forum post to see if it is truly intentional or not but adding 4 billion of something to the crafting queue feels a little excessive.

For now if you do that, you'll have to manually cancel the queue by shift clicking the icon afterwards.

New response