
by Mylon

Inject slurry into oil wells to get more oil out of them.

1 year, 11 months ago
0.15 - 1.1

g 2.0?

a month ago

Are you going to update this to 2.0?

a month ago

I'm glad you asked! I would like to update this. Do you have some recommendations for ideas to frack sulfur vents or the fluid in Aquilo? It doesn't make sense to use stone slurry like for oil so I would like some ideas.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Yea of course, we talked about on our server as playing last night. We came to the conclusion that it should be per planet, stone for Nauvis of course.

For Vulcanus, sulfuric acid and water don't play very well with each other in real life, so we can use water. This means that you would need, "a violent reaction to pump more yield of sulfuric acid from this planet."

For Aquilo, you do have crude oil. Since the planet is cold, freezing actually, I mean liquid ammonia is stored -33°C and it has seas of it.. You could use steam to able to, "loosen the freezing bonds of the planet to allow better yields of a deeper reserve". And as everyone knows, that's going to fun to do because this planet wasn't made for the weak. Haha

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