First One's Free

This mod will give you an extra inventory slot for each different item type in your main inventory.

a month ago
0.14 - 2.0

b When inventory's full sometimes crap spills out

5 years ago

If I completely fill the inventory, sometimes it'll say "cannot insert <x>, player's inventory full" and items will spill out. If there's as little as one open space left it works fine as far as I remember. Not a very big deal because I'm using other inventory size mods and I know it can trigger randomly if my inventory is completely full.

5 years ago

Good catch. This was happening when your inventory was full and you grabbed the last stack of an item. Since the item stack in your cursor is still part of the inventory now, I needed to count it as well.

Thanks for the bug report, this is fixed in 0.0.13

2 years ago

this bug still happen to me and very often when i have inv full

2 years ago

Forgot to reply, this should be fixed in the latest version.

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