Finite Water - Fresh water is rare

Fresh water is like oil. You can research an offshore pump later in the game, but you have to desalinize the water.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Fluid mixing

5 years ago

Each time I load a save, I get a message saying that the game has removed the offshore pumps due to fluid mixing, then I have to go around and replace them all.

5 years ago

hmm.. thats new... i will see this ASAP!

5 years ago

If it helps any, I am using the Water As A Resource mod. I did test removing the mod and the issue was still present, though I suppose I didn't try saving then reloading again with the other mod disabled.

And sorry, I do have the option for lakes/existing bodies of water to be classified as saline/salt water ON.

5 years ago

So I gave it a try today on a new map without the Water As A Resource mod. Setup the pump with a pipe connected, save, quit, then reload. Game still removes the pump due to fluid mixing.

5 years ago


I believe adding the below line to data-final-fixes.lua solves the issue:

data.raw["offshore-pump"]["offshore-pump"].fluid_box.filter = "saline-water"

For me, this solves it after making a save with the fixed property (ie, for existing saves, I would have to load, replace the offshore pump one more time, then save again to have permanently fixed).

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