Filter Combinator

Adds a signal filter combinator

3 years ago
Circuit network

b [Fixed 1.1.4]Crash with SE switches

3 years ago

Crash when using any entity in the space exploration mod that involves a switch, eg delivery cannon, that is not connected to any filter combinators. Upon activating any switch the filter combinator mod throws this error (rather bizarre!). The crash occurs for any cannon on any surface, regardless of whether a filter combinator is present in the network or not. From the error it seems to be an issue with the switch from SE trying to run the method from the filter combinator, maybe it's usual method was overwritten somehow I'm not sure..

The mod Filter Combinator (1.1.3) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Filter_Combinator::on_gui_switch_state_changed (ID 147)
Filter_Combinator/script/gui.lua:83: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
Filter_Combinator/script/gui.lua:83: in function <Filter_Combinator/script/gui.lua:79>

3 years ago

Hey there, thanks a lot for the report. I'm working on a solution for it and will release it in the next version.

3 years ago

Thanks so much!

3 years ago

Fixed in version 1.1.4 :)

New response