Filter Helper

Adds context aware quick select for filter inserters.

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

i Ability to set "Enabled condition" [Feature request]

3 months ago

Thanks so much for the mod! This is super convenient!!!

I suggest also adding the very same idea but for "Enabled condition",
that is if user clicks on icon with Ctrl then copy the setting not to the filter, but to "Enabled condition".
Also in this scenario check if other argument in enabled condition is zero (the default), that change that to stack size of selected item.

That would make setting all thouse chests' limits to so much easier.

3 months ago

There are/were plans to support different methods if more than one exists. "Enabled condition" is one. Another is supporting filterable requester chests.
My thought is for it to work like requester filter helper i.e. increase/decrease by a stack or five when using shift.

It would probably require a selector for filter type, rather than a key modifier because those are already used for certain actions.

2 months ago

I'd absolutely love this - far too often I clicked on the filter helper suggestions expecting it to set the enabled condition...

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