
by kovus

Fill4Me will automatically insert fuel and/or ammunition from your main inventory into entities when you place them. It is mod-agnostic and will learn about items & entities in other mods. It is an alternative to the Autofill mod.

3 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g How to raise the max default amount placed?

3 months ago

I can't seem to figure it out...

3 months ago

Settings -> Mod Settings -> Per player.
There's 3 settings which affect the amount placed:
- Ammo load, limit by
- - This choose whether to try a percentage of what is in your inventory or a count of ammo. If "both" is selected, the amount of ammo loaded will be the lower of the two.
- Ammo load, percentage
- - Sets a percent of the amount of ammo in your inventory to try and load into the turret (requires "limit by" to be either "Both" or "Percentage")
- Ammo load, count
- - Sets the number of items to try and load from your inventory (requires "limit by" to be either "Both" or "Count").

If you're looking to full-load a stack of ammo every time, you can set percentage = 100, and count = 200.

3 months ago

Ahhhh it's per player thanks!

Very frustrating that there are 3 different mod settings to go through XD.

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