
by kovus

Fill4Me will automatically insert fuel and/or ammunition from your main inventory into entities when you place them. It is mod-agnostic and will learn about items & entities in other mods. It is an alternative to the Autofill mod.

3 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g Idiot Question: How much does it autofill?

4 years ago

Top idiot question - how does it determine how much is autofilled. love the idea but can't seem to get it to fill very much ammo or fuel.
How do I configure it and how does it determine how much to fill.
Love the mod if I can get it to work for me.

4 years ago

Settings at: Per Player. Is where u can change how much ammo is getting in the entity.

3 years ago

What about the amounts for fuel? I'm just starting a new scenario it the results are a bit unexpected. Often it will fill 15 coal into my furnaces, but sometimes it will be less, even though I have plenty in my inventory. I don't see settings for fuel. Is "ammo" whatever is being loaded?

3 years ago

What about the amounts for fuel? I'm just starting a new scenario it the results are a bit unexpected. Often it will fill 15 coal into my furnaces, but sometimes it will be less, even though I have plenty in my inventory. I don't see settings for fuel. Is "ammo" whatever is being loaded?

Would like to know that as well!

New response