Fast Long Inserter Mod

Adds a fast long inserter that is unlocked with Logistics 2.

8 years ago
0.13 - 0.14
Logistic network

b Cannot connect Circuit wires

8 years ago
(updated 8 years ago)


Thanks for uploading this mod to the mod depository, I noticed cannot attach circuit wires to the Fast Long Inserters. I took a look inside the mod files and saw there was a few lines missing in the "C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\mods\Fast_Long_Inserter_0.0.4\prototypes\entity.lua" file. In case you don't know how to fix it, I will add a step by step guide on how to do it.

open the entity.lua file

On line 113 add a , after the } and press enter.
on line 114 paste this line without the quotes "circuit_wire_connection_point = inserter_circuit_wire_connection_point," and press enter
on line 115 paste this line without the quotes "circuit_connector_sprites = inserter_circuit_connector_sprites," and press enter
on line 116 paste this line without the quotes "circuit_wire_max_distance = inserter_circuit_wire_max_distance"

Save the file, pack to zip and upload update :)

8 years ago


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