Fast Botsv2 deprecated

by Perfkdk

Makes bots really fast. org by Bodleum

6 years ago

b bot speed restored to vanilla when on_configuration_changed() runs

6 years ago

updating a mod or adding/removing a mod causes bot speed to revert to vanilla setting.
in control.lua duplicate function on line:13 and use "events.on_configuration_changed()" as trigger.

6 years ago

actually, it may require using events.on_load() instead, as that doesn't appear to be included in mod, so the script only runs when the map is created but doesn't run the next time the player loads the save. that's probably it.

6 years ago

update: tested even with adding event.on_load() and bot speed seems to be getting reset back to vanilla after loading a save anyways. not sure why/what's causing it.

6 years ago

I'm getting a similar issue, although I believe it was from upgrading the bot speed through research after I had installed the mod. Even through reinstalling the mod, I can't seem to get it working again.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

in control.lua scan for event: on.research.completed and if effect = bot.speed, than add code to correct bot speed after the effect of research takes hold.

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