Farlands Modpack Smurrlawa

Rebuild of the 0.14 modpack by pandemoneus, repicked by azakir along with some additions

4 months ago
This mod 135 From other mods 0
Dependency types:
Default 135 Required 124 Conflict 0 Optional 11 Hidden 0
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Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependency 14.6M
base >= 1.1 -
AbandonedRuins 61.8K
air-filtering 51.3K
all-tiles-stack-1k 5.12K
angelsaddons-cab 78.2K
angelsaddons-mobility 90.1K
angelsaddons-storage 170K
angelsbioprocessing 179K
angelsexploration 52.6K
angelsindustries 103K
angelsinfiniteores 107K
angelspetrochem 201K
angelsrefining 205K
angelssmelting 196K
attach-notes 8.12K
AutoDeconstruct 279K
beltSorter 39.4K
BetterFluidColorsUpdated 1.95K
big-data-string 46.2K
Big_Brother 88.6K
Big_Brother_Bobs_plugin 3.47K
bobassembly 261K
bobclasses 94.7K
bobelectronics 244K
bobenemies 248K
bobequipment 227K
bobgreenhouse 174K
bobinserters 338K
boblibrary 396K
boblogistics 293K
bobmining 257K
bobmodules 235K
bobores 258K
bobplates 256K
bobpower 266K
bobrevamp 219K
bobtech 234K
bobvehicleequipment 183K
bobwarfare 263K
Bottleneck 249K
CanalBuilderMAV 24.9K
cargo-ships 214K
cargo-ships-graphics 210K
Clowns-AngelBob-Nuclear 19.4K
Clowns-Extended-Minerals 18.1K
Clowns-Nuclear 24.3K
Clowns-Processing 21.9K
color-coding 5.13K
combat-mechanics-overhaul 295K
Command_and_Conquer_RedAlert_Sounds-tz 591
Crafting_Speed_Research 61.1K
DarkNight 8.21K
DayPhaseAdjuster 2.43K
Dectorio 71.8K
dieselTrains 1.74K
DiscoScience 214K
EarlyTrainsUpdated 1.95K
even-distribution 397K
Enhanced_Map_Colors 103K
EvoGUI 109K
expanded-rocket-payloads-continued 1.96K
Explosive Termites 35.2K
factoriohd_base 37.8K
factoriohd_logistics 36.1K
factoriohd_military 35.9K
factoriohd_modpack 40.2K
factoriohd_production 36.1K
factoriohd_terrain 36.3K
FARL 47.6K
Fill4Me 132K
Flow Control 185K
flib 818K
fluidTrains 11.3K
ForceFields2 7.84K
GDIW 47.9K
GlobalWarming 837
helmod 419K
Honk 95.0K
ItemUpgrades 2.48K
Kux-OrbitalIonCannon 82.1K
LoaderRedux 113K
LoaderRedux-BobLogistics 13.1K
LogisticTrainNetwork 253K
LSlib 60.9K
LtnManager 102K
LTN_Combinator_Modernized 89.3K
More_Repair_Packs 15.9K
naked-rails_se 6.83K
NicerFuelGlowButUpdated 3.04K
nixie-tubes 69.7K
Nuclear Locomotives 9.57K
original-music-hd-reloaded 10.6K
Orphan Finder 18.4K
OverloadedTrains11 725
Rampant 123K
RampantArsenal 152K
RampantEvolution 25.9K
rampart_heavy_wall 14.9K
RealisticDecorationCleanup 21.7K
RealisticFlashlight 13.0K
RealisticReactorGlow 9.55K
RealisticReactors 23.4K
Realistic_Heat_Glow 23.4K
reskins-angels 100K
reskins-bobs 109K
reskins-compatibility 97.2K
reskins-library 115K
ResourceLabelsUpdated 4.69K
robotMiningSite 13.8K
Rocket-Silo-Construction 38.3K
rso-mod 143K
SantasNixieTubeDisplay 28.6K
ScienceCostTweakerM 79.7K
Searchlight 47.2K
Shuttle_Train_Continued 12.3K
Silly-AbandonedRuins 4.47K
simhelper 426K
Smooth_Fluids 898
SpaceMod 102K
Squeak Through 473K
stdlib 406K
steinios_unlasting_oil 1.94K
StoneWaterWell 38.0K
Teleportation_Redux 10.5K
TheFatController 19.2K
Torches 2.24K
TrainDriver_A16_fix 4.98K
TrainSpeedLimit_018_Port 2.35K
True-Nukes 43.3K
True-Nukes-Graphics 11.6K
VehicleSnap 240K
walls-block-spitters 12.8K
Wireless_Circuit_Network 2.50K
yemtositemcount 2.25K
Last dependency data update: 20 hours ago (for v1.0.0)