This mod is a challenge. Featuring scrap recycling and a pre-electric burner era You can stream it ;D No problems :D
Large total conversion mods.
Version: 1.0.8 Date: 2022.09.17 Graphics: - Icons "Slow/Turbo transport belt" change (for Factorio 1.1.69)
Version: 1.0.7 Date: 2022.03.11 Bugfixes: - Flamethrower turret work correctly now
Version: 1.0.6 Date: 2022.03.09 Changes: - Add new recipe: "Destroy barrel" (Barrel/genes/productivity)
Version: 1.0.5 Date: 2022.02.01 Changes: - Reduction the size from the spawning sulfur ore
Version: 1.0.4 Date: 2021.12.06 Changes: - Add copper stick for "Productivity module 1/2/3" - Add tin plate for "Productivity module 1/2/3" - Add lead plate for "Productivity module 1/2/3" - Add glass for "Productivity module 1/2/3" - Electrical furnace can fluid recipe correctly
Version: 1.0.3 Date: 2021.11.10 Changes: - Heat radar have 4 connections now
Version: 1.0.2 Date: 2021.10.24 Changes: - Container is a storage now Balancing: - Container ingredients: iron screw = 2 -> 10, iron frame = 1 -> 10, iron plate = 0 -> 10 Bugfixes: - Locale DE: Raupe & Lockstoff
Version: 1.0.1 Date: 2021.05.09 Graphics: - Technology "Transport engine" change - Reworked "Science pack"
Version: 1.0.0 Date: 2021.03.25 Changes: - Remove "burnt reslut inventory" (Fuel furnace) - When not a fluid recipe don´t show pipes (Fuel furnace)
Version: 0.8.4 Date: 2021.01.28 Minor Features: - Add recipes: "Heat radar" - Add recipes: "Heat pumpjack" - Add recipes: "Heat pump" - Add recipes: "Long handed inserter" (for handcrafting) - Add recipes: "Pipe to ground mk2" - Add recipes: "Prototype of an personal roboport equipment" - Add new achievements - "Smart Belt Dragging" for slow and long transport belt Changes: - Electrical pumpjack mining speed: 1 -> 2 - Remove technology: Research speed 8/9/10 - Remove technology: Upgrade science pack - Remove technology: Character running speed - Long distance- transport belt/underground belt/splitter speed: 90 -> 60 - Armor equipment grid Balancing: - Oil refinery ingredients: pipe = 10, steel plate -> iron frame = 15 -> 10, iron gear wheel = 10, stone brick = 10, electronic circuit = 10 - Heat oil refinery ingredients: steel screw -> steel frame = 5, heat pipe = 10 -> 1, burner oil refinery = 1, burner pump -> pipe = 1 -> 5, storage tank -> electric circuit = 2 -> 10, steel gear wheel = 5 - Heat chemical plant ingredients: iron screw -> steel screw = 4, steel frame = 1, burner chemical plant = 1, iron gear wheel -> steel gear wheel = 5 -> 3, heat pipe = 3 -> 1, burner pump -> pipe = 1 -> 2, electronic circuit = 3 - Slow transport belt ingredients: iron plate = 1, slow transport engine = 2 -> 1 - Normal transport engine crafting time: 2 -> 1 - Normal transport engine ingredients: iron screw -> iron plate = 1, electronic circuit = 1 - Normal transport engine results: normal transport engine = 1, scrap iron = 0 -> 1 - Transportbelt crafting time: 2 -> 1 - Splitter crafting time: 2 -> 1 - Splitter ingredients: normal transport engine = 2 -> 1, slow splitter = 2, iron screw = 5, electronic circuit = 1 - Underground belt crafting time: 2 -> 1 - Underground belt ingredients: normal transport engine = 1, slow underground belt = 2, iron frame -> iron gear wheel = 2 - Fast transport engine crafting time: 4 -> 2 - Fast transport engine ingredients: iron screw = 2, iron plate = 5 -> 2, steel plate = 5 -> 2 - Fast transport engine results: fast transport engine = 1, scrap iron = 5 -> 2, scrap steel = 5 -> 2 - Fast transportbelt crafting time: 4 -> 2 - Fast splitter crafting time: 4 -> 2 - Fast splitter ingredients: fast transport engine = 2 -> 1, splitter = 1, iron screw = 5, iron gear wheel = 5, advanced circuit component = 2 - Fast underground belt crafting time: 4 -> 2 - Fast underground belt ingredients: underground belt = 2, iron gear wheel = 10 -> 5, iron frame = 3, fast transport engine = 1 - Underground chest ingredients: alien chest = 3, alien gear wheel = 10, alien screw = 10, alien frame = 5, solid fuel = 10 -> 0
Version: 0.8.3 Date: 2020.12.27 Bugfixes: - Boiler work correctly now
Version: 0.8.2 Date: 2020.12.20 Balancing: - Land mine ingredients: stun mine -> iron frame = 10 -> 3, cliff explosives = 2 - Steel furnace crafting speed: 1.5 -> 2 - Fuel furnace crafting speed: 2 - Coal crafting time: 110 -> 75 - Coal V2 crafting time: 80 -> 50 - Coal V3 (hardwood) ingredients: hard wood = 20 -> 40 - Coal V3 (hardwood) result: coal = 30 -> 50 - Ash crafting time: 5 -> 4 - Ash V2 result: ash = 3 -> 4 - Fertilizer crafting time: 5 -> 2 - Fuel mining drill ingredients: steel frame = 5, coal -> concrete = 30, advanced circuit component = 40, heat mining drill = 1, steel screw = 5 - Greenhouse ingredients: steel frame = 1, uranium lamp -> big lamp = 3, copper cable = 15, steel screw = 5, iron frame = 5, glass = 10 - Iron/Copper mixed fluid ingredients: Iron fluid = 80 -> 20, Copper fluid = 80 -> 20 - Iron/Copper mixed fluid result: Iron/Copper mixed fluid = 180 -> 40 - Fuel for fuel reactor ingredients: Iron/Copper mixed fluid = 100 -> 60, steel fluid = 50 -> 20 - Chemical fuel result: Chemical fuel = 150 -> 80 - Chemical fuel crafting time: 32 -> 8 - Chemical fuel cell ingredients: chemical fuel = 75 -> 80, iron stick = 5 -> 0, steel frame = 0 -> 5, iron plate = 0 -> 5 - Chemical fuel cell result: chemical fuel cell = 1 -> 5 - Chemical fuel cell crafting time: 96 -> 16 - Rail ingredients: steel frame -> steel plate = 1, stone = 1, iron stick = 1 Change: - Modcode optimized - Remove "Stun mine" - Remove "Coal lamp" - Remove "Copper lamp" - Remove "Stone lamp" - Remove "Uranium lamp" - "Golden alien inserter" energy type = electrical -> void - Burner mining drill 2 -> Fuel mining drill (need chemical fuel cell now)
Version: 0.8.1 Date: 2020.11.28 Balancing: - Reduction of spawning from fresh water, tin ore and sulfur Graphics: - Icons (wooden board, electronic circuit and hard wood) -> "HD" - Freshwater on the ground -> "HD"
Version: 0.8.0 Date: 2020.11.27 Balancing: - Advanced circuit component crafting in: Chemical plant -> assembling machine Change: - Modcode optimized (for 1.1) - Remove "Railgun" - Remove "Railgun dart"
Version: 0.7.8 Date: 2020.11.15 Bugfixes: - Electric laboratory work with all science packs correctly now
Version: 0.7.7 Date: 2020.11.8 Minor Features: - Add recipes: "Long handed heat inserter" Change: - Modcode optimized - Remove start setting "Pipe collision" -> is always
Version: 0.7.6 Date: 2020.9.26 Minor Features: - Add a new setting option: "Start with red science packs. Default: (10)"
Version: 0.7.5 Date: 2020.9.22 Balancing: - Paper crafting time: 10 -> 2 - Fibers crafting time: 9 -> 1 Change: - Ghost transparency. Default: 0.1 -> 0.5
Version: 0.7.4 Date: 2020.9.3 Bugfixes: - Fix graphic radius visualisation for mining drill
Version: 0.7.3 Date: 2020.9.1 Major Features: - Add technology "Ghost after destroying" -> construction robots Minor Features: - Add recipes: "Electric filter inserter" - Add recipes: "Electric stack filter inserter" - Add recipes: "Electric stack inserter" Change: - Fish healing by 80 HP Bugfixes: - Heat operated oil refinery offset is now correctly Balancing: - Alien screw results: alien screw = 2 -> 4, scrap alien = 1
Version: 0.7.2 Date: 2020.8.20 Balancing: - Uranium processing results: uranium 235 = 10 -> 5, uranium 238 = 10 -> 5 Bugfixes: - New start without items
Version: 0.7.1 Date: 2020.8.19 Minor Features: - Add recipes: "Spidertron" Balancing: - Upgrade science pack ingredients: power switch = 2 -> 1, steel chest = 1, red wire = 1, green wire = 1 Change: - Reworked machines (upgradeability) for the upgradeplaner: Slow burner inserter -> burner inserter Burner pumpjack -> electric pumpjack Decontamination machine -> Decontamination machine 2
Version: 0.7.0 Date: 2020.8.9 Bugfixes: - Fix now all inserter working correctly.
Version: 0.6.9 Date: 2020.8.7 Change: - All burner inserter can take fuel from entities containing burner when they or their drop target have no fuel left. Graphics: - Reworked technology icons Bugfixes: - Fix for Factorio version 0.18.44
Version: 0.6.8 Date: 2020.8.1 Change: - Iron/copper/steel plate/stick, alien/tin/lead plate, stone brick, ash, coal and gold ingot in stone-, steel-, fuel-, electric furnace have a output from 100 items Graphics: - Hardwood have the old icon
Version: 0.6.7 Date: 2020.7.17 Balancing: - Butterfly ingredients: caterpillar = 1, water barrel = 0 -> 1 - Butterfly results: butterfly = 1, bad water barrel = 0 -> 1
Version: 0.6.6 Date: 2020.7.17 Balancing: - Hardened red plastic board results: hardened red plastic board = 1, scrap plastic = 1 -> 0 Graphics: - Reworked gold ingot icon - Reworked beacon icon
Version: 0.6.5 Date: 2020.6.10 Bugfixes: - Picture not found
Version: 0.6.4 Date: 2020.6.7 Minor Features: - Add recipes: "Concrete" - Add recipes: "Refined concrete" - Add recipes: "Hazard concrete" - Add recipes: "Refined hazard concrete" Graphics: - Reworked icons Change: - Stone furnace emissions per minute from 0.5 -> 1.5 - Steel furnace emissions per minute from 1 -> 3 - Fuel furnace emissions per minute from 1.5 -> 4.5 - Electric furnace emissions per minute from 3 -> 9 - Coke furnace emissions per minute from 0.5 -> 1.5 - Centrifuge emissions per minute from 1 -> 10 - Oil refinery emissions per minute from 1 -> 3 - Lab emissions per minute from 1 -> 5 - Pumpjack emissions per minute from 1 -> 2 - Chemical plant emissions per minute from 1 -> 3 - Boiler emissions per minute from 1 -> 3
Version: 0.6.3 Date: 2020.5.26 Bugfixes: - Picture not found
Version: 0.6.2 Date: 2020.4.28 Bugfixes: - Error with old save games
Version: 0.6.1 Date: 2020.4.27 Bugfixes: - Icon fish bones error
Version: 0.6.0 Date: 2020.4.26 Minor Features: - Add recipe: "Electric pumpjack" - Add alternative recipe: "Electric long handed inserter" - Add alternative recipe: "Electric fast inserter" - Add alternative recipe: "Electric pump" - Add alternative recipe: "Electric radar" - Add 2 alternative recipe: "Electric mining drill" - Add alternative recipe: "Electric furnace" - Add alternative recipe: "Electric oil refinery" - Add alternative recipe: "Electric chemical plant" - Add alternative recipe: "Electric assembling machine" Change: - Heat inserter Min/Max temperature = 60/200 -> 60/500 - Tooltip with color now. - Electrical buildings can all products (heat) productions now - Remove support with the mod "Helicopter" Graphics: - New icon for Rod - New icon for technology "Bag" - New icon for technology "Axe" - New icon for technology "Alien meat" - New icon for fish bones - New icon for fish egg - New icon for fish fillet - New icon for wood stick - New icon for alien meat
Version: 0.5.8 Date: 2020.4.1 Minor Features: - Change the background Bugfixes: - Sulfur picture not found
Version: 0.5.7 Date: 2020.3.25 Changes: - Burner oil refinery and burner chemical plant crafting speed 1 fixed
Version: 0.5.6 Date: 2020.3.16 Changes: - Burner oil refinery crafting speed: 0.5 -> 1 - Heat operated oil refinery crafting speed: 1 -> 1.5 - Electric oil refinery crafting speed: 1.5 -> 2 - Burner chemical plant crafting speed: 0.5 -> 1 - Heat operated chemical plant crafting speed: 1 -> 1.5 - Electric chemical plant crafting speed: 1 -> 2 - Burner mining drill resource searching radius: 2x2 -> 4x4 - Heat mining drill resource searching radius: 4x4 -> 6x6 - Burner mining drill 2 resource searching radius: 6x6 -> 8x8 - Achievement "Lazy bastard" amount 111 -> 222 - Empty barrel stack size 10 -> 50 - Remove technology: research speed 11/12/13/14 Balancing: - Remove technology for 0.18.13 - Steel gear wheel results: steel gear wheel = 2, scrap steel = 0 -> 1 - Clock results: clock = 1, scrap iron -> scrap steel = 1 Locale: - Burner mining drill 3 -> Burner mining drill 2 - Befeuerter Erzförderer 3 -> Befeuerter Erzförderer 2
Version: 0.5.5 Date: 2020.3.6 Minor Features: - Add recipe: "Long handed burner inserter" - Add recipe: "Void furnace" - Add recipe: "Ash alternative" - Add recipe: "Construction flying frame" - Add recipe: "Tin plate (recycling)" - Add recipe: "Lead plate (recycling)" - Add new ore "sulfur" - Add a new achievement "Defeat Fantario" Changes: - Small burner reactor equipment power: 20kW -> 220kW - Construction robots speed: 0.06 -> 0.12 - Remove shilds (now is a extra mod "Fantario deco" and no problems with old save games) Balancing: - Remove "Sulfur V2" - Potassium carbonate results: potassium carbonate = 1, empty barrel = 0 -> 1 - Kovarex enrichment process results: uranium 235 = 40 -> 45, uranium 238 = 5 -> 0 - Kovarex enrichment process time 60 -> 20 - Nuclear fuel time 60 -> 20 - Fresh water minimum 2/s -> 5/s - (Standart) ghost color - red: 0 -> 0.8 - (Standart) ghost color - green: 0 -> 0.61 - (Standart) ghost color - blue: 0.8 -> 0.61 - (Standart) ghost color - alpha: 0.3 -> 0.1 - Logic devices ingredients: circuit board = 4, copper cable = 50 -> 10, liquid plastic = 5 - Red bottle ingredients: copper ore -> copper plate = 3, plastic bar = 1, heavy oil = 5 - Turbo transport belt ingredients: steel frame = 2, steel gear wheel = 40 -> 10, turbo transport engine = 1, express transport belt = 2 - Turbo transport engine ingredients: steel frame = 1, steel plate = 7, copper cable = 10, steel screw = 10, fuse = 1, lubricant = 100 -> 10 - Nuclear reactor crafting group: "Electrical" -> "Heat" - Heat exchanger crafting group: "Electrical" -> "Heat" - Construction robots ingredients: flying robot frame -> construction robot frame = 1, logic devices -> electronic circuit = 1 -> 2, normal transport engine = 0 -> 1, burner reactor = 0 -> 1 - Logistic chest storage ingredients: processor -> copper cable = 1 -> 3, electronic circuit = 3, steel chest -> iron chest = 1 - Roboport ingredients: steel frame -> iron frame = 22 -> 5, steel gear wheel -> iron gear wheel = 30 -> 10, advanced circuit component -> electronic circuit = 45 -> 20, gold ingot = 1 -> 0, processor = 5 -> 0, accumulator = 4 -> 0 - Microcontroller ingredients: speaker = 1, electronic circuit = 1, advanced circuit component = 1 -> 0, advanced circuit = 1, logic devices -> logic circuit = 1, processor circuit = 1, usb socket = 1, solder = 3, green wire = 3, red wire = 3, fuse = 1, led clean = 1 - LED colorless ingredients: liquid-plastic = 10, iron stick = 1, solder = 0 -> 1 - Solder results: solder = 3, scrap tin = 0 -> 1, scrap lead = 0 -> 2 - Battery ingredients: iron stick = 2, copper-cable = 2, sulfuric acid = 20, lead plate = 0 -> 1, solder = 0 -> 1 - Battery results: scrap iron = 2, scrap lead = 0 -> 1 - Nuclear reactor ingredients: advanced circuit = 500 -> 0, copper cable = 1200 -> 300, concrete = 500, steel frame -> steel gear wheel = 270 -> 40, fuel reactor = 1, lead plate = 25 Bugfixes: - Belt immunity equipment Locale: - Coal to mine -> Coal to mine. Default: (OFF) - Normal water -> Normal water. Default: (OFF) - Trees give wood -> Trees give wood. Default: (OFF) - Start with many items -> Start with many items. Default: (OFF) - Seeds, wood board, fibers, paper, butterflys and walls have no fuel value -> Seeds, wood board, fibers, paper, butterflys and walls have no fuel value. Default: (OFF) - Reactor consumes no more fuel at max temperature. -> Reactor consumes no more fuel at max temperature. Default: (OFF) - Defense -> Defense. Default: (Nothing) - Energy storage -> Energy storage. Default: (Nothing) - Extra (Roboport equipment + 10 construction robots) -> Extra (Roboport equipment + 10 special construction robots). Default: (Nothing) - Allows you to walk between pipes -> Allows you to walk between pipes. Default: (OFF) - With this setting you can adjust the red channel. -> With this setting you can adjust the red channel. Default: (0.8) - With this setting you can adjust the green channel. -> With this setting you can adjust the green channel. Default: (0.61) - With this setting you can adjust the blue channel. -> With this setting you can adjust the blue channel. Default: (0.61) - With this setting you can adjust the alpha channel. Lower value equals more transparency. -> With this setting you can adjust the alpha channel. Lower value equals more transparency. Default: (0.1) - Kohlefelder zum abbauen. -> Kohlefelder zum abbauen. Standart: (AUS) - Klassiches Wasser. -> Klassiches Wasser. Standart: (AUS) - Baeume geben Holz. -> Baeume geben Holz. Standart: (AUS) - Start mit vielen Gegenstaenden. -> Start mit vielen Gegenstaenden. Standart: (AUS) - Samen, Holzbrett, Fasern, Papier, Schmetterlinge und Mauern haben keinen Brennwert. -> Samen, Holzbrett, Fasern, Papier, Schmetterlinge und Mauern haben keinen Brennwert. Standart: (AUS) - Reaktor verbraucht kein Treibstoff mehr bei Max Temperatur. -> Reaktor verbraucht kein Treibstoff mehr bei Max Temperatur. Standart: (AUS) - Verteidigung -> Verteidigung. Standart: (Nothing) - Energiespeicherung -> Energiespeicherung. Standart: (Nothing) - Zusatz (Persoenlicher Roboport + 10 Bauroboter) -> Zusatz (Persoenlicher Roboport + 10 Spezialbauroboter). Standart: (Nothing) - Ermoeglicht das Laufen zwischen Rohren -> Ermoeglicht das Laufen zwischen Rohren Standart: (AUS) - Mit diesem Wert kannst du den Rotanteil der Farbe anpassen. -> Mit diesem Wert kannst du den Rotanteil der Farbe anpassen. Standart: (0.8) - Mit diesem Wert kannst du den Gruenanteil der Farbe anpassen. -> Mit diesem Wert kannst du den Gruenanteil der Farbe anpassen. Standart: (0.61) - Mit diesem Wert kannst du den Blauanteil der Farbe anpassen. -> Mit diesem Wert kannst du den Blauanteil der Farbe anpassen. Standart: (0.61) - Mit diesem Wert kannst du die Saettigung der Farbe anpassen. Ein niedrigerer Wert entspricht mehr Transparenz. -> - Mit diesem Wert kannst du die Saettigung der Farbe anpassen. Ein niedrigerer Wert entspricht mehr Transparenz. Standart: (0.1)
Version: 0.5.4 Date: 2020.2.1 Bugfixes: - Fix technology icons
Version: 0.5.3 Date: 2020.1.23 Major Features: - Updating for 0.18.X
Version: 0.5.2 Date: 2020.1.3 Major Features: - Add item "Book" Minor Features: - New secrets achievements - New achievement "I play always clean" Bugfixes: - Fixed the heat chemical plant shadow bug
Version: 0.5.1 Date: 2019.12.30 Bugfixes: - Complete overwrite the changelog
Version: 0.5.0 Date: 2019.12.30 Major Features: - Add technology: "Advanced electronics 4" - Add technology: "Advanced electronics 5" - Add technology: "Advanced smelting 4" - Add technology: "Automation 4" - Add technology: "Container" - Add technology: "Diamond" - Add technology: "Exoskeleton equipment 2" - Add technology: "Glass" - Add technology: "Green bottle" - Add technology: "Greenhouse" - Add technology: "LED Technology" - Add technology: "Microcontroller" - Add technology: "Nuclear power 2" - Add technology: "Oil processing 2" - Add technology: "Plastics 2" - Add technology: "Plastics 3" - Add technology: "Plastics 4" - Add technology: "Rainbow science pack" - Add technology: "Red bottle" - Add technology: "Research Speed 10 - 14" - Add technology: "Small burner reactor equipment" - Add technology: "Tools" - Add recipe: "Green tube" - Add recipe: "Green plastic bar" - Add recipe: "Green plastic board" - Add recipe: "Advanced circuit board" - Add recipe: "Advanced circuit" - Add recipe: "Heat operated chemical plant" - Add recipe: "Coke furnace" - Add recipe: "Rainbow science pack" - Add recipe: "LED clean" - Add recipe: "Soft seed V3" - Add recipe: "Hard seed V3" - Add recipe: "Electrical long handed inserter" - Add recipe: "Electrical fast inserter" - Add recipe: "Container" - Add recipe: "Container with iron plate" - Add recipe: "Container iron plate pull out" - Add recipe: "Container with copper plate" - Add recipe: "Container copper plate pull out" - Add recipe: "Box with iron screw" - Add recipe: "Box with copper cable" - Add recipe: "Box with iron frame" - Add recipe: "Box with iron gear wheel" - Add recipe: "Statue of a biter" - Add recipe: "Solder" - Add recipe: "Tin plate" - Add recipe: "Lead ore" - Add recipe: "Lead plate" - Add recipe: "Fuse" - Add recipe: "Diamond" - Add recipe: "Screwdriver" - Add recipe: "Hook" - Add recipe: "Glass" - Add recipe: "Quartz sand" - Add recipe: "Lime" - Add recipe: "Calcium" - Add recipe: "Oxygen" - Add recipe: "Carbon" - Add recipe: "Carbon dioxide" - Add recipe: "Potash" - Add recipe: "Greenhouse" - Add recipe: "Red tube" - Add recipe: "Red plastic bar" - Add recipe: "Red plastic board" - Add recipe: "Hardened red plastic board" - Add recipe: "Logic circuit board" - Add recipe: "Logic circuit" - Add recipe: "Sulfur V2" - Add recipe: "Automation science pack "hand"" - Add recipe: "Iron gear wheel "hand"" - Add recipe: "Iron frame "hand"" - Add recipe: "Copper cable "hand"" - Add recipe: "Wooden board "hand"" - Add recipe: "Electronic circuit "hand"" - Add recipe: "Slow transport engine "hand"" - Add recipe: "Burner reactor "hand"" - Add recipe: "Heat pipe "hand"" - Add recipe: "Heat pipe "120" "hand"" - Add recipe: "Charcoal burning "hand"" - Add recipe: "Stone furnace "hand"" - Add recipe: "Assembling machine 1 "hand"" - Add recipe: "Slow burner inserter "hand"" - Add recipe: "Burner inserter "hand"" - Add recipe: "Slow transport belt "hand"" - Add recipe: "Slow splitter "hand"" - Add recipe: "Slow underground belt "hand"" - Add recipe: "Wooden chest "hand"" - Add recipe: "Soft seed "hand"" - Add recipe: "Wood "hand"" - Add recipe: "Firearm magazine "hand"" - Add recipe: "Charcoal pile "hand"" - Add recipe: "Speaker" - Add recipe: "Green bottle" - Add recipe: "Green tube V2" - Add recipe: "Weed" - Add recipe: "Rose" - Add recipe: "Red bottle" - Add recipe: "Red tube V2" - Add recipe: "Electronical components" - Add recipe: "Rose seed" - Add recipe: "Weed seed" - Add recipe: "Small burner reactor equipment" - Add recipe: "Prototype of an exoskeleton equipment" - Add recipe: "Liquid plastic" - Add recipe: "Blue plastic bar" - Add recipe: "Blue plastic board" - Add recipe: "Hardened blue plastic board" - Add recipe: "Processor circuit board" - Add recipe: "Processor circuit board with tree resin" - Add recipe: "Tree resin" - Add recipe: "Finished handed processor circuit board" - Add recipe: "Processor circuit" - Add recipe: "Processing unit" - Add recipe: "Clock" - Add recipe: "Unprotected processor circuit board" - Add recipe: "Gummy processor circuit board" - Add recipe: "Protected processor circuit board" - Add recipe: "Microcontroller" - Add recipe: "USB socket" - Add recipe: "Heat operated oil refinery" - Add recipe: "Blue tube" - Add recipe: "Steel gear wheel" Minor Features: - Fully featured integration from "Helicopters" mod - Fully featured integration from "LTN - Logistic Train Network" mod - Fully featured integration from "LTN Content Reader" mod - New group "Handcrafting" - New achievement "Rainbow science pack" - New achievement "Rainbow science pack 2" - New achievement "Rainbow science pack 3" - New secret achievement - New setting option "Allows you to walk between pipes" Balancing: - Soft seed V2 crafting time 12 -> 6 - Hard seed V2 results hard seed 1 -> 2 - Fiber crafting time 10 -> 9 - Paper crafting time 20 -> 10 - Paper ingredients: Water 100 -> 10 - Ash crafting time 60 -> 30 - Fertilizer crafting time 50 -> 5 - Coal lamp ingredients: midle lamp = 1, coal shild -> coal = 1 - Stone lamp ingredients: midle lamp = 1, stone shild -> stone = 1 - Copper lamp ingredients: midle lamp = 1, copper shild -> copper = 1 - Uranium lamp ingredients: midle lamp = 1, uranium shild -> uranium = 1 - Automation science pack results: automation science pack 1, scrap iron 0 -> 2 - Turbo transport engine ingredients: iron screw 18 -> 0, fuse 0 -> 1, steel screw = 10, iron plate 10 -> 0, steel frame 0 -> 1, lubricant = 100, copper cable 0 -> 10, steel plate 14 -> 7 - Turbo transport engine results: turbo transport engine = 1, iron scrap 10 -> 0, steel scrap 14 -> 7 - Pipe ingredients: iron frame -> iron stick = 1 - Pipe results: pipe = 2, scrap iron 0 -> 1 - Technology Automation science pack: Automation science pack, NEW Character crafting speed = 2 - Trade science pack ingredients: gold ore = 10, diamond 0 -> 1 - Battery ingredients: iron frame 1 -> 0, iron stick = 0 -> 2, copper cable = 2, sulfuric acid = 20 - Battery results: battery = 1, scrap iron 0 -> 2 - Constanter combinator technology from "Circuit network 2" -> "Circuit network 1" - Technology Circuit network 2: Arithmetic combinator, decider combinator, NEW programmable speaker, NEW speaker - Wood board results: 1 -> 4 - Night vision equipment ingredients: advanced circuit 5 -> 0, steel frame 5 -> 0, electronic circuit 0 -> 2, copper cable 0 -> 2, iron frame 0 -> 1 - Fast burner inserter ingredients: inserter = 1, iron gear wheel = 1, iron screw = 3, lubricant 0 -> 1 - Filter burner inserter ingredients: inserter = 1, iron gear wheel = 3, iron screw = 3, iron frame = 1, electronic circuit = 3, lubricant 0 -> 1 - Advanced circuit component ingredients: circuit board = 1, copper cable = 4, lubricant 2.5 -> 0, liquid plastic 0 -> 2.5 - Logic devices ingredients: circuit board = 4, copper cable = 50, sulfuric acid 5 -> 0, liquid plastic 0 -> 5 - Belt immunity equipment ingredients: advanced circuit component 5 -> 0, steel plate 10 -> 0, steel frame 0 -> 1, red wire 0 -> 2, electronic circuit 0 -> 2 - Trade goods ingredients: iron plate = 50, copper cable = 50, steel frame = 5, coal = 100, logic circuit 0 -> 10, fish meat =50 - Trade goods rocket launch product: gold ore 1000 -> 2000 - Right fast burner inserter ingredients: slow burner inserter -> burner inserter, iron gear wheel = 1, iron screw = 1, iron frame = 1, lubricant = 0 -> 1 - Left fast burner inserter ingredients: slow burner inserter -> burner inserter, iron gear wheel = 1, iron screw = 1, iron frame = 1, lubricant = 0 -> 1 - Turbo splitter ingredients: steel frame = 6, processor -> advanced circuit = 2, turbo transport engine = 2, express splitter = 1, steel screw = 6 - Rocket part ingredients: rocket control unit = 1, green wire = 5, red wire = 5, low density structure = 5, rocket fuel -> nuclear fuel = 5 -> 3 - Solar panel equipment ingredients: steel plate -> steel frame = 5 -> 3, solar panel = 1, advanced circuit component -> logic circuit = 2 -> 1 - Beacon ingredients: advanced circuit component -> logic circuit = 20 -> 5, copper cable = 10, electronic circuit -> processor circuit = 20 -> 2, steel frame = 5, gold cable -> 10 - Exoskeleton equipment ingredients: electric engine unit = 30, steel frame = 10, logic devices -> processor circuit = 10 -> 2, prototype of an exoskeleton equipment = 0 -> 1 - Portable fusion reactor ingredients: low density structure = 50, processor -> processor circuit = 50 -> 5, small burner reactor equipment = 0 -> 1 - Flying robot frame ingredients: steel plate = 1, electric engine unit = 1, battery = 2, processor -> microcontroller = 1 - Alien gear wheel results: 1 -> 2 - Turbo transport belt ingredients: steel frame = 10, iron gear wheel -> steel gear wheel = 160 -> 16, long distance transport engine = 1, express underground belt = 2, steel screw = 12, iron screw = 6 - Turbo distance belt ingredients: steel frame = 2, iron gear wheel -> steel gear wheel = 40, turbo distance transport engine 1, turbo transport belt = 2 - Electric mining drill ingredients: electric engine unit = 3, logic devices = 3, iron gear wheel -> steel gear wheel = 5, steel frame = 5, copper cable = 5, electronic circuit = 2, advanced circuit = 1 - Electric radar ingredients: electric engine unit = 2, steel frame = 5, copper cable = 3, steel screw = 4, iron gear wheel -> steel gear wheel = 7 - Technology "Iron axe": character mining speed = 150 -> 200 percent - Steam engine ingredients: iron frame = 5, iron gear wheel -> steel gear wheel = 8, pipe = 5, electric engine unit = 3, copper stick = 3, copper cable = 3 - Steam turbine ingredients: iron frame = 12, copper cable = 40, iron gear wheel -> steel gear wheel = 25, electric engine unit = 5, pipe = 20, steam engine = 1 - Assembling machine 4 ingredients: copper cable = 2, steel frame = 3, electric engine unit = 2, iron gear wheel -> steel gear wheel = 10, screwdriver = 0 -> 2, hook = 0 -> 3 - Roboport ingredients: steel frame = 22, iron gear wheel -> steel gear wheel = 45 -> 30, advanced circuit component = 45, gold ingot = 1, processor = 5, accumulator = 4 Changes: - Remove "Big lamp" - Remove mod setting "More light in the night" - Heat exchanger ingredient fluid: fishoil -> freshwater - Spider -> caterpillar - Burner inserter extension speed: 302/s -> 432/s - Heat inserter energy source: 1.87MW -> 800KW - Fuel furnace crafting speed: 2.5 -> 2 - Heat pipe 1000 -> 500 centigrade - Chemical plant have now a emissions per minute from 1 - Centrifuge have now a emissions per minute from 1 - Oil refinery have now a emissions per minute from 1 - Radar have now a emissions per minute from 1 - Burner lab have now a emissions per minute from 1 - Pumpjack have now a emissions per minute from 1 - Burner mining drill emissions per minute: 12 -> 6 - Fuel lamp have now a emissions per minute from 1 - Burner mining drill mk2 -> Heat mining drill (Working temperature Min/Max = 75/120 centigrade.) - Heat inserter Min/Max temperature = 111/120 -> 60/200 - Heat inserter eneregy source: 800KW -> 500KW - Oil refinery crafting speed: 1 -> 0.5 - Coal have a fuel emissions multiplier from 150 percent now Graphics: - Iron-, steel- and alien screw - Sulfuric acid - Spider -> caterpillar - All "machines" have a new picture - New thumbnail Locale: - "Erweiterter Schaltkreis" -> "Erweiterter Schaltkreisbaustein" - "Advanced circuit" -> "Advanced circuit component" - "Fish shit" -> "Fish feces"
Version: 0.4.6 Date: 2019.11.05 Bugfixes: - Hotfix for electric chemical plant
Version: 0.4.5 Date: 2019.09.04 Major Features: - Add recipe "Scrap dirty plastic": crafting time = 1 sec; ingredients: scrap dirty plastic = 5, sulfuric acid barrel = 1 - Add recipe "Plastic bar": crafting time = 1.5 sec; ingredients: scrap plastic = 5, petroleum gas = 5 - Add recipe "Circuit board": crafting time = 0.5 sec; ingredients: plastic board = 1, sulfuric acid = 5 Minor Features: - Add many new shilds - Add new group "Gas handling" - Burner reactor upgradeability to Fuel reactor - Fuel reactor upgradeability to Nuclear reactor Changes: - Burner mining drill mk2 mining speed: 0.7 -> 0.5 - Burner mining drill mk3 mining speed: 1.4 -> 0.75 - Heat mining drill mining speed: 0.5 -> 1 - Electric mining drill mining speed: 0.5 -> 1 - Burner mining drill mk2 have now a emissions per minute from 10 - Burner mining drill mk3 have now a emissions per minute from 10 - Empty barrel from group Intermediate products -> Fluid handling - Mod setting "Seeds have no fuel value" -> "Seeds, wood board, fibers, paper, light wall and reinforced wall have no fuel value" - Heat inserter: Min/Max temperature = 116/125 -> 111/120 - Burner reactor mining time: 1.5s -> 1s - Nuclear reactor mining time: 1.5s -> 1s - Recipe "Beer" remove Balancing: - Underground chest technology prerequisites: Logistics 4 -> Logistics 2 - Lubricant technology prerequisites: advanced oil processing -> flammables - Underground chest ingredients: steel chest -> alien chest = 10 -> 3, alien gear wheel = 10, alien screw = 10, alien frame = 5, solid fuel = 10 - Fuel reactor ingredients: advanced circuit = 500, copper cable = 1200, concrete = 500, steel frame 270, burner reactor = 0 -> 1 - Nuclear reactor ingredients: advanced circuit = 500, copper cable = 1200, concrete = 500, steel frame = 270, fuel reactor = 0 -> 1 - Basic oil processing results: heavy oil = 0 -> 30, light oil = 0 -> 30, petroleum gas = 45 -> 40 - Underground chest ingredients: copper cable = 100, wood = 1000, steel chest = 10, concrete -> stone brick = 100, solid fuel = 100 -> 0 - Heat pipe big ingredients: iron frame -> heat pipe = 1, copper cable = 5 -> 2 - Logic devices ingredients: plastic board -> circuit board = 4, copper cable = 50, sulfuric acid = 10 -> 5 - Electric mining drill ingredients: electronic circuit -> electric engine unit = 10 -> 3, advenced circuit -> logic devices = 3, iron gear wheel = 5, steel frame = 10, copper cable = 5 - Electric radar ingredients: electric engine unit = 1 -> 2, steel frame = 5, copper cable = 3, burner radar -> steel screw = 1, iron gear wheel = 0 -> 7 - Electric chemical plant ingredients: electric engine unit = 1 -> 2, electronic circuit -> logic devices = 1 -> 6, iron stick = 3, iron frame -> steel frame = 1, screwdriver = 0 -> 2, hook = 0 -> 3 - Electric lab ingredients: steel frame = 2, iron gear wheel = 5, logic devices = 5, express transport belt = 2, electric engine unit = 0 -> 2 - Assembling machine 4 ingredients: copper cable = 2, steel frame = 3, assembling machine 3 -> electric engine unit = 1 -> 2, iron gear wheel = 0 -> 10, screwdriver = 0 -> 2, hook = 0 -> 3 - Electric furnace ingredients: advanced circuit = 5, steel frame = 5, steel furnace -> big heat pipe = 1 -> 3 - Electric oil refinery ingredients: advanced circuit = 5, steel frame = 5, steel furnace -> logic devices = 1 -> 3, screwdriver = 0 -> 10, hook = 0 -> 2, electric engine unit = 0 -> 3 - Advanced circuit ingredients: plastic board -> circuit board = 1, copper cable = 4, lubricant = 2.5, sulfuric acid = 5 -> 0 Bugfixes: - Underground chest fix grid Graphics: - New icon for the group "Nature" - New icon for the group "Decoration" - New icon for "Electronic circuit" - Glow effect from fuel reactor change (light blue) - New icon for normal transport engine - Many fluids have a new colors
Version: 0.4.4 Date: 2019.07.28 Minor Features: - Add recipe "Kamikaze turret": crafting time = 2 sec; ingredients: grenade = 1, gun turret = 1 - Add recipe "Stun mine": crafting time = 2 sec; ingredients: iron frame = 1 Balancing: - All shilds: ingredients = iron plate = 1, iron stick = 1
Version: 0.4.3 Date: 22.6.2019 Changes: - Decontamination machine 2 min temp: 360 -> 180 centigrade - Decontamination machine 2 energy source: 2.5 MW -> 7.5 MW - Fuel furnace have now a emissions per minute from 1.5 - Fuel furnace energy source: 1.1 MW -> 4.4 MW - Chemical plant stack size 10 -> 50 - Oil refinery stack size 10 -> 50 - Steel furnace stack size 10 -> 50 - Flued furnace stack size 10 -> 50 - Charcoal burning stack size 10 -> 50 Balancing: - Refined concrete result: 1 -> 10 - Scrap iron (plate and stick) ingredients: scrap iron = 30, water = 30 -> 10 - Scrap copper (plate and stick) ingredients: scrap steel = 30, water = 30 -> 10 - Scrap steel (plate and stick) ingredients: scrap steel = 30, water = 30 -> 10 - Iron (plate and stick) ingredients: iron ore = 5, water = 300 -> 10 - Copper (plate and stick) ingredients: copper ore = 5, water = 300 -> 10 - Steel plate ingredients: iron plate = 15 -> 18, water = 300 -> 10 - Steel stick ingredients: iron plate -> iron stick = 3, coal = 1 - Steel stick ingredients: iron plate -> iron stick = 15 -> 18, water = 300 -> 10 - Satellite ingredients: ... effectivity module 3 -> effectivity module 2 = 1 ... - Speed module 2 crafting time: 30 -> 15 sec - Speed module 3 crafting time: 60 -> 30 sec - Effectivity module 2 crafting time: 30 -> 15 sec - Effectivity module 3 crafting time: 60 -> 30 sec - Productivity module 2 crafting time: 30 -> 15 sec - Productivity module 3 crafting time: 60 -> 30 sec Locale: - Schild mit Kohlezeichen -> Schild mit Kohle - Schild mit Steinzeichen -> Schild mit Steinerz - Schild mit Holzzeichen -> Schild mit Hartholz - Schild mit Kupferzeichen -> Schild mit Kupfererz - Schild mit Eisenzeichen -> Schild mit Eisenerz - Schild mit Uranzeichen -> Schild mit Uranerz
Version: 0.4.2 Date: 2019.6.1 Major Features: - Balancing Changes: - Remove achievement I dont like storage
Version: 0.4.1 Date: 2019.5.31 Major Features: - .... To many for 0.17 ;)
Version: 0.3.7 Date: 2018.12.30 Minor Features: - Add alternative recipe "Iron plate and iron fluid": crafting time = 3.5 sec; ingredients: scrap iron = 10, water = 1200 - Add alternative recipe "Steel plate and steel acidity": crafting time = 35 sec; ingredients: scrap steel = 10, water = 1200 - Add alternative recipe "Copper plate and copper fluid": crafting time = 3.5 sec; ingredients: scrap copper = 10, water = 1200 - Add alternative recipe "Iron plate": crafting time = 17.5 sec; ingredients: iron ore = 5, water = 600 - Add alternative recipe "Copper plate": crafting time = 17.5 sec; ingredients: copper ore = 5, water = 600 - Add alternative recipe "Steel plate": crafting time = 175 sec; ingredients: iron plate = 25, water = 600 - Add recipe "Underground chest": crafting time = 25 sec; ingredients: steel chest = 10, alien gear wheel = 1000, alien screw = 1000, stone brick = 1000, solid fuel = 1000 - Add recipe alternative "Underground chest": crafting time = 25 sec; ingredients: steel chest = 10, wood = 1000, concrete = 1000, copper cable = 1000, solid fuel = 1000 - Add 39 new achievements Changes: - Heat pipe have 1000 centigrade now - Heat exchanger need water -> fishoil - Assembling machine crafting speed: 1 -> 1.5 - Burner mining drill version 2 dimensions: 5x5 -> 4x4 - Burner mining drill version 3 dimensions: 8x8 -> 6x6 Bugfixes: - Fix uranium mining drill Graphics: - New icon for "Iron screw" - New icon for "Steel screw" - New icon for "Alien screw" - New icon for "Uranium furnace" - New icon for "Alien pack"
Version: 0.3.5 Date: 2018.12.20 Balancing: - Fertilizer ingredients: empty barrel -> paper = 1, ash = 1 Graphics: - New icon for recipe "Fertilizer"
Version: 0.3.3 Date: 2018.12.14 Major Features: - Uran mining drill have a new entity... (sorry for your lost) Minor Features: - Add recipe fertilizer: crafting time = 50 sec; ingredients: ash = 1, empty barrel = 1 - Add recipe fuel lamp: crafting time = 0.5 sec; ingredients: wood = 1, stone brick = 1, iron stick = 1 - Add recipe fibers: crafting time = 10 sec; ingredients: raw wood = 1 - Add recipe paper: crafting time = 20 sec; ingredients: water = 100, fibers = 1 - Add recipe alternative soft seed: crafting time = 12 sec; ingredients: raw wood = 1, fertilizer = 1 - Add recipe alternative hard seed: crafting time = 6 sec; ingredients: soft seed = 2, fertilizer = 1 - Add recipe alternative explosives: crafting time = 5 sec; ingredients: water = 40, fertilizer = 1 - Add recipe reinforced wood wall: crafting time = 2 sec; ingredients: wood wall = 1, stone wall = 1, iron stick = 1 Balancing: - Stack inserter ingredients: fast inserter -> inserter = 1, steel frame = 3, iron gear wheel = 3, steel screw = 3, advanced circuit = 5
Version: 0.3.1 Date: 2018.12.10 Minor Features: - Add achievement hard raw wood - Add achievement raw wood - Add achievement I dont like storage Changes: - Woodwall have now a fuel value = 4MJ - Remove achievement no steam Balancing: - Technology effect transmission prerequisites: modules, advanced electronics 2 -> high solar panel - Artillery shell ingredients: explosive cannon shell = 4, radar -> advanced circuit = 1 -> 2, explosives = 8 Bugfixes: - fix "vanilla version" Graphics: - New Skin for charcoal burning Locale: - Charcoal burning -> Charcoal pile - Koehlerei -> Kohlenmeiler
Version: 0.3.0 Date: 2018.12.08 Minor Features: - Add recipe slow splitter: crafting time = 0.5 sec; ingredients: slow transport engine = 2, copper cable = 1 - Add recipe slow underground belt: crafting time = 0.5 sec; ingredients: slow transport belt = 3, slow transport engine = 1 Changes: - Hard fishoil: 2MJ -> 20MJ Balancing: - Slow transport belt crafting time: 2 -> 1 sec - Underground belt ingredients: normal transport engine = 2 -> 1, transport belt = 5, slow underground belt = 2 - Splitter ingredients: iron screw = 5, normal transport engine = 2, electronic circuit = 2 -> 1, slow splitter = 1 - Fast underground belt ingredients: iron gear wheel = 20, fast transport engine = 2 -> 1, underground belt = 2 - Express underground belt ingredients: steel frame = 5, iron gear wheel = 80, express transport engine = 2 -> 1, fast underground belt = 2, steel screw = 6, iron screw = 3 - Long distance belt ingredients: steel frame = 10, iron gear wheel = 160, long distance transport engine = 2 -> 1, express underground belt = 2, steel screw = 12, iron screw = 6 Graphics: - New icon for recipe "Charcoal process" - New icon for recipe "Charcoal process version 2" - New icon for recipe "Hardwood charcoal process" - New icon for technology "Charcoal process version 2" - New icon for technology "Hardwood charcoal process" - New icon for technology "Woodworking"