Hi, i have the same problem too.
My mods from log file:
Aircraft = "1.8.4",
AircraftRealism = "1.4.0",
["Armored-train"] = "0.4.4",
ArmouredBiters = "1.1.4",
Automatic_Train_Painter = "1.1.4",
BeltRouter = "1.5.2",
["Blue-Ghosts"] = "1.1.1",
BlueprintTools = "1.2.1",
Cold_biters = "1.1.1",
Custom_Production_UI = "1.0.0",
Dirt_Path = "1.3.5",
DragonIndustries = "1.105.1",
["Electric-Weapons"] = "1.1.2",
ElectricTrain = "1.1.2",
EvoGUI = "0.4.601",
Explosive_biters = "1.1.35",
Factorissimo2 = "2.5.3",
["Flow Control"] = "3.1.3",
FluidWagonColorMask = "1.1.0",
Hovercrafts = "1.2.1",
InlaidLampsExtended = "1.1.1",
["K2-automated-artillery"] = "1.0.3",
Krastorio2 = "1.2.17",
["Krastorio2-more-locomotives"] = "11.0.0",
Krastorio2Assets = "1.1.0",
Krastorio2RFAC = "2.0.0",
Krastorio2_Menu_Backgrounds_By_TehFocus = "1.0.1",
LTN_Combinator_Fix = "1.1.1",
LTN_Content_Reader = "1.0.2",
LTN_Language_Pack = "1.9.0",
LogisticTrainNetwork = "1.16.7",
LtnManager = "0.4.8",
MiscLib = "0.9.2",
MyRUS2 = "21.9.1121",
PavementDriveAssistContinued = "3.1.0",
["RFM-transport"] = "1.0.5",
RampantArsenal = "1.1.2",
Robocharger = "1.3.1",
Robot256Lib = "1.1.2",
Robot_Battery_Research = "0.2.1",
SSP = "1.1.0",
SchallAlienLoot = "1.1.0",
SchallAlienMutation = "1.1.0",
SchallAlienTech = "1.1.2",
SchallAmmoTurrets = "1.1.0",
SchallArachnidPlatoon = "1.1.0",
SchallArmouredTrain = "1.1.0",
SchallArtillery = "1.1.1",
SchallBeltConfiguration = "1.1.1",
SchallCircuitGroup = "1.1.0",
SchallCombatRobotics = "1.1.0",
SchallEndgameEvolution = "1.1.1",
SchallEntityInspector = "1.1.2",
SchallGeowarfare = "1.1.0",
SchallGunPod = "1.1.0",
SchallInserters = "1.1.0",
SchallLampContrast = "1.1.0",
SchallLandMine = "1.1.2",
SchallLanguagePack = "2021.12.16",
SchallMachineModification = "1.1.0",
SchallMapTag = "1.1.1",
SchallMinorTweaks = "1.1.2",
SchallMissileCommand = "1.1.1",
SchallModulePlacement = "1.1.2",
SchallModules = "1.1.0",
SchallRadarAlignment = "1.1.2",
SchallRadioactiveWaste = "1.1.1",
SchallStartingInventory = "1.1.2",
SchallStartingTech = "1.1.0",
SchallSuit = "1.1.1",
SchallTankPlatoon = "1.1.1",
SchallTankWoodcutting = "1.1.1",
SchallTransportGroup = "1.1.0",
SchallUncraft = "1.1.0",
SchallVirtualSignal = "1.1.2",
ShockTurret = "0.1.6",
StatsGui = "1.3.0",
Waterfill_v17 = "1.1.0",
YARM = "0.8.203",
["aai-containers"] = "0.2.10",
["aai-industry"] = "0.5.11",
["aai-programmable-structures"] = "0.7.3",
["aai-programmable-vehicles"] = "0.7.20",
["aai-signal-transmission"] = "0.4.4",
["aai-signals"] = "0.6.1",
["aai-vehicles-chaingunner"] = "0.6.1",
["aai-vehicles-flame-tank"] = "0.5.1",
["aai-vehicles-flame-tumbler"] = "0.6.1",
["aai-vehicles-hauler"] = "0.6.1",
["aai-vehicles-laser-tank"] = "0.6.4",
["aai-vehicles-miner"] = "0.6.3",
["aai-vehicles-warden"] = "0.5.3",
["aai-zones"] = "0.6.4",
["air-filtering"] = "0.8.3",
["alien-biomes"] = "0.6.5",
["alien-biomes-hr-terrain"] = "0.6.1",
autocolor = "1.1.1",
base = "1.1.53",
beautiful_straight_bridge_railway = "1.1.1",
beltSorter = "0.9.1",
["big-data-string"] = "1.0.0",
["cargo-ships"] = "0.1.13",
["cargo-ships-graphics"] = "0.1.0",
["electromechanical-combinators"] = "19.0.0",
fcpu = "0.4.13",
fixLargeElectricPole = "1.3.0",
flib = "0.9.2",
informatron = "0.2.2",
["inventory-repair"] = "19.0.1",
jetpack = "0.2.13",
["krastorio-2-compat"] = "0.7.0",
lightorio = "1.1.3",
["ltn-cleanup"] = "1.0.17",
["m-microcontroller"] = "0.10.9",
["marine-life"] = "1.1.2",
miniloader = "1.14.8",
robot_attrition = "0.5.12",
scattergun_turret = "7.2.0",
["shield-projector"] = "0.1.3",
["space-exploration"] = "0.5.103",
["space-exploration-graphics"] = "0.5.14",
["space-exploration-graphics-2"] = "0.1.1",
["space-exploration-graphics-3"] = "0.1.1",
["space-exploration-graphics-4"] = "0.1.1",
["space-exploration-graphics-5"] = "0.1.2",
["space-exploration-postprocess"] = "0.5.27",
["space-factorissimo-updated"] = "0.0.12",
stdlib = "1.4.6",
["underground-pipe-pack"] = "1.1.2",
vehicle_physics_again = "1.0.0",
["waterfill-retexture"] = "1.1.5"