
Factorissimo adds factory buildings to Factorio. Place them down, walk in, build your factories inside!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Ceiling lights in the way?

3 years ago

Playing a new playthrough and im experiencing what i can only think of as a bug where a few spots within the factory buildings are taken up by the invisible ceiling lights and i cannot place anything on them. could this be because of some other mod that may be interfering?

- Aircraft
-Auto Deconstruct
- Beautiful Bridge Railway for Cargoships
- Belt Balancer
- Bottleneck
- Cargo Ships
- Cargo Ships Graphics
- Enhanced Map Colors
- Even Distribution
- Factorissimo 2
- Flow Control
- Free Network Wiring
- Jetpack
- Long and Far Reach
- Miniloader
- Squeak Though
- Tree Collision
- Warehousing Mod
- Water Placeable Lamps
- Water Well

3 years ago

Water Placeable Lamps causes that interference, naively replacing lamp entity collision masks entirely instead of only removing entries. Please report this issue to that mod.

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