Hey, that's a really cool blueprint system you have there. Unfortunately this error is not due to a change in Factorissimo, but due to a change in how Factorio places blueprints in unradared tiles: it now lets you place blueprints in unradared but charted chunks, but apparently it decides to error if the blueprint intersects a chunk that is neither radared nor charted. Unfortunately for you, void chunks never actually count as radared or charted because they are never generated.
Here's a fix anyway, setting the void chunks around your factory building to generated:
/c local chunk_radius = 8
for _, surface in pairs(game.surfaces) do
if surface.name:find("^Factory floor ") then
for lx = 0,7 do
for ly = 0,1 do
for x = -chunk_radius,chunk_radius-1 do
for y = -chunk_radius,chunk_radius-1 do
surface.set_chunk_generated_status({16*lx+x,16*ly+y}, defines.chunk_generated_status.entities)
Simply copy-paste this entire command into your chat window whenever you have this issue. Once your factory buildings start to reuse surfaces (after 100 factory buildings by default), this will no longer be an issue.
Warning: this command may increase your savefile size by ~4 MB.