
Factorissimo adds factory buildings to Factorio. Place them down, walk in, build your factories inside!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Factorissimo Factories not powered, Help please.

5 years ago

I posted this on reddit but thought I should post it here too.


Having a strange issue where the factory is connected to the power grid but not power going inside the factory. With recursion this gets even stranger if I pick up and put down the factory the power starts working again for a short time but then the factories inside do not recieve power. Unsure if i'm doing something wrong or if there is a bug.

Please see below for example;
How the factories are suddenly pulling no power.

But are connected

Inside no power coming in


Inside the recusion same issue

If anyone has any ideas please let me know!

Edit: Rotaing the power input/output or increasing/decreasing the amount of power they can pass through seems to solve the problem for a minute but then it comes back!

5 years ago

I have the same previously mentioned problem.

o/ Termi

5 years ago

Sounds to me like there's another mod doing weird stuff. Please list all other mods that you have installed.

5 years ago

Hi MagmaMcFry, thanks for your reply my mod list is as follows;

Afraid of the Dar 1.0.23
Arcraft 1.6.12
AutoDeconstruct 0.1.12
BigBags 1.0.31
BitersBegoneUpdated 2.0.0
CleanestConcrete 1.0.3
DeadlockLargerLamp 1.2.7
DiscoScience 0.1.14
FARL 3.1.15
FNEI 0.2.7
Factorissimo2 2.3.7
Flow Control 3.0.5
IndustrialRevolution 0.99.7
Infinizoom 0.1.3
LogisticTrainNetwork 1.11.2
Maxratecalculator 3.2.28
Nanobots 3.1.0
Nanbobots-IR 0.0.5
OpteraLib 0.1.8
PowerArmor MK3 0.2.9
PowerArmor MK4 0.0.7
Todo-list 17.3.0
VehicleSnap 1.17.3
Alien-biomes 0.4.15
Alien-biomes-hr-terrain 0.4.1
base 0.17.69
bettercargoplanes 1.0.8
even-distribution 0.3.13
miniloader 1.8.3
production-monitor 0.17.0
stdlib 1.3.0

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I use the following mods:
Advanced-Solar 1.1.1
Aircraft 1.6.12 (!)
BitersBegoneUpdated 0.2.0 (!)
Bottleneck 0.10.4
Construction_Drones 0.2.13
Crafting_Speed_Research 0.2.1
Electric Furnaces 2.4.5
FNEI 0.2.7 (!)
Factorissimo2 2.3.7 (!)
Krastorio 1.4.36
Krastorio-graphics 0.1.5
LogisticTrainNetwork 1.11.2 (!)
OpteraLib 0.1.8 (!)
WaterWell 1.0.20
aswil 0.5.16
base 0.17.59 (!)
bulkteleport 0.1.26
deadlock-beltboxes-loaders 2.2.2
even-distribution 0.3.13 (!)
robotMiningSite 0.9.6
stdlib 1.3.0 (!)
vtk-armor-reach 1.5.0

the intersection between danny91 and me is:

Aircraft 1.6.12
BitersBegoneUpdated 0.2.0
FNEI 0.2.7
Factorissimo2 2.3.7
LogisticTrainNetwork 1.11.2
OpteraLib 0.1.8
base 0.17.59
even-distribution 0.3.13
stdlib 1.3.0

example: https://imgur.com/wZW1UP9
everything is powered down inside a t1 factory - switching power input/output - everything is powered up again, any modifications inside the factory floor will power down the factory

Hope it helps,


5 years ago

Thanks, your reports helped a lot. It's fixed now, all your factories should work again.

Storytime: Due to a copy-paste error in my code, the factory energy buffers were created with nil force, so they got assigned a default force, which happens to be the enemy force.
Chunks are recharted every few ticks in the bright area on your map, but only whenever a change that could affect the map view has occurred in the chunk, such as the construction or deconstruction of some machine.
Every single time a chunk is recharted, the BitersBegone mod indiscriminately deletes every single entity of enemy force.

That's why the power always went out a few ticks after you changed anything in the factory building: every time you built something, the map changed, so BitersBegone deleted the power supply.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

you sir, you are awesome :)

5 years ago

Oh wow thats pritty cool. Thanks for the quick fix!

5 years ago

OK, do not know if it is still the problem itself or something new but collapses in my power grid ever more the more I build into each other. z. B. blue building Input 40m 6 red buildings in there with 1 complete smelting plant per building and all red buildings are running on a saving flame because there is not enough electricity. out of doors 45 m + by wind power
ask for help because I can build so not more complex

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

From the FAQ:

Q: My factory only receives 10/20/50MW of power. How do I increase that limit?
A: Find the yellow arrow symbol inside the factory building, near the entrance, and hover your cursor over it. Now press Factorissimo2's increase hotkey [default: Shift+R] to increase the power limit to the limit you need, the maximum limit is 100GW. You can press Factorissimo2's decrease hotkey [default: Ctrl+R] to decrease the limit again.

5 years ago


5 years ago

thanks now that you say it, I read it myself on the yellow arrow
A big compliment to you is a really great mod thanks to which you can build really nice bases thank you

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