
Factorissimo adds factory buildings to Factorio. Place them down, walk in, build your factories inside!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

i Could you add an remote interface that allows modders to get factory information?

5 years ago

If possible it would be really useful if you could please add a remote interface to allow modders to pass in a surface, and factorissimo pass back a table of information about the factory that's inside the surface (or nil if none).

Mainly looking for the surface that the factory entity itself is sitting on, as well as it's position (or just return the factory LuaEntity)

Perhaps something like this:

    parentSurface = { surface = LuaSurface, factoryDoorLocation = {x,y} },
    insideSurface = { surface = LuaSurface, factoryDoorLocation = {x,y} }   
5 years ago

I would like this as well. Too bad I can't mod or I would do it myself as I don't know if this is still getting updates.

5 years ago

It's getting updates... eventually. I haven't had the mind for it in recent months, but I'll be tackling my to-do list during the holidays.

5 years ago

A little minor burn out happens from time to time. Glad you are still giving it a shot. Hoping what he posted above helps with implementation.

New response