
Factorissimo adds factory buildings to Factorio. Place them down, walk in, build your factories inside!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Bulk transfer pipes placement

6 years ago

Hi. Great mod. I really enjoy using it!

I've been placing bulk transfer pipe on the outside of the factory. Is this the correct place for them? Or should they be used on the inside? Does it matter? What is the best practice?

6 years ago

Glad you asked! You need to use them on both outside and inside for maximum effect. Use an input pipe (purple X) on the side the fluid comes from, and use an output pipe (yellow O) on the side the fluid goes to. Then you should set your fluid connection to transfer mode (in the correct direction) and transfer speed to the slowest you need. The slowest setting, 120 ticks per transfer, still gives you a throughput of 1250 units of fluid per second, which is more than enough for almost any application (an offshore pump produces only 1200 water per second).

6 years ago

Thanks for the info! I'l start doing it this way. Previously I would set the transfer mode, but also set the speed faster, I think 4 ticks. This new way will greatly improve my UPS.

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