
Factorissimo adds factory buildings to Factorio. Place them down, walk in, build your factories inside!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b Disappearing Bio Farms

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

I got a report from someone that my Bio Farms were disappearing from the Factorissmo warehouses...
[img] https://i.imgur.com/LlJZsiS.png [/img]

Do you have any idea why this would be happening??
I've attached my mod. The Bio Farm does have some hidden entities in it.

Here is the control code:

if entity.valid and entity.name == "bi_bio_farm" then

    local b_farm = entity
    local pole_name = "bi_medium-electric-pole_for_Bio_Farm"  
    local panel_name = "bi_solar-panel_for_Bio_Farm"  
    local lamp_name = "bi_light_for_Bio_Farm"

    local create_pole = surface.create_entity({name = pole_name, position = position, force = force})
    local create_panel = surface.create_entity({name = panel_name, position = position, force = force})
    local create_lamp = surface.create_entity({name = lamp_name, position = position, force = force})

    create_pole.minable = false
    create_pole.destructible = false
    create_panel.minable = false
    create_panel.destructible = false
    create_lamp.minable = false
    create_lamp.destructible = false

    group_entities(cantor(position.x,position.y), { b_farm, create_pole, create_panel, create_lamp })




7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Sorry, but I have absolutely no idea what could possibly cause this. My control code shouldn't ever destroy any entities it hasn't created and tracked itself (except for the factory building main entities).

I suppose you don't have a way to reliably reproduce this disappearance, but that would help a lot. What does the guy who reported this know?

In any case, I recommend giving all your auxiliary entities empty collision masks (prototype_in_data_lua.collision_mask = {}) if you haven't already done that. Can't hurt.

I was the guy who reported the issue with the Bio Farms disappearing. Oddly enough, after installing the recent update for Bio Industries, and after making a new game, I have not encountered the bug since. My Bio Farms no longer disappear, and I'm pretty confident they won't at any point, anymore.

6 years ago

My friends and I just started a new game two days ago and we are using both Factorissimo2 and BioIndustries. We have had issues with both BioFarms and another building (can't remember which right now) from the mod disappear inside the factories. We kind of information would you need in order to help troubleshoot this?

We also just downloaded or updated both mods before we started this game.

6 years ago

To diagnose this issue and find a fix for it, I'd need a way to reproduce this issue from a new game, so I can experiment with it. Of course, finding a way to reproduce this bug is probably already half the battle, but I'd be very grateful if you could find a way.

New response