
Factorissimo adds factory buildings to Factorio. Place them down, walk in, build your factories inside!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g How to locate a factory building

6 years ago

I have a large 2k spm base built entirely in factorissimo, and occasionally I'm getting a 'out of logistics room' alert from Factory Floor 11. It doesn't last long enough to track it down and it's driving me crazy. How can I find that factory? Is there a way to see the current surface name when I'm standing inside? At least then I could know for sure if I'm in the right spot.

What would be really amazing, though I'm guessing not possible, when you click on the notification icon to go to the map view, if it actually showed you the correct surface. It seems to know the surface since you can see the name of it. That may be more a bug for the Factorio team though.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Perhaps a little dummy object that sits next to the overlay chests that says 'This is Factory Floor ##' when hovered? Or perhaps add a name the way trains/roboports have a name to the power monitor that says the surface name?

EDIT: I saw one of your old posts, and using the ghost to create an alert worked fine to track it down. So I guess consider this a feature request. (The ability to NAME the surface would be amazing, but I wonder if surfaces have both a unique ID and a readable name that appears in alerts or not.)

6 years ago

I support the idea of naming factory buildings, but I don't know how possible it is. I came here to suggest the ghost method to find the factory floor number, as that is what I used to track a similar problem. It... didn't help much, I still spent 3 hours going through each factory building, finding its floor number, and writing the number in hazard concrete and concrete. Now I make sure that I have a 3x3 or 4x4 block of otherwise unassigned storage chests in every roboported factory floor to prevent that little beep.

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