
Factorissimo adds factory buildings to Factorio. Place them down, walk in, build your factories inside!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Chest inserters

7 years ago


Currently, when using chests, there is no point for balance mode. On the interior of the factory building, only one insert can access a chest that is hooked up. We need to be able to access a chest with more insterters.

7 years ago

Chest connections weren't really designed with inserters in mind, they are intended to be used either with logistic chests or with loaders (a vanilla feature that isn't available without mods). With logistic chests, balance mode is actually very powerful, because it allows you to connect a requester chest to another chest in a manner that doesn't suck unlimited resources through the connection until the other chest is full.

If I may ask, what are you trying to build using chest connections with inserters? If you're just worried about performance, don't be. By now, belt connections are optimized enough that you need a megabase to notice the difference in performance.

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