so the substation inside the factory building actually is some sort of accumulator?
well, i used the default transfer rate, also some time (~20min) after feeding the steam engines i actually notice that i get not the amount of energy outside what is produced in the inside (right after i notice that the accumulators inside didn't work at all!) - at least "no energy" wasn't true, but i get a fraction of energy out of what is produced in the inside! (no matter how long i wait!)
have tried to test this with energy interface in editor = doesn't work at all!
(well, the energy interface might be also considered an accumulator - regardless the settings...)
screenshots doesn't help here, please troubleshot it yourself - you know your mod (how it actually works and why not as intended) better than we! ;-)
the steamengine setup was just as large as it could fit inside a lvl1 factory + some storage tanks for the steam - with feeding water and fuel from the sides (not below, used that space for accumulators)
and again, default buffer size, many minutes between finished & running steam engine setup and first notice of the result that not only accumulators didn't work but that i get only a fraction of the energy provided inside on the outside! - with a large factory running low because it hasn't enough energy from the factory building ;-)
oh, that's sad - is there no way of reading the energy consumption from inside the factory building (maybe trough the substation) and forward it to the outside?
even with delay and simplified ("rounding" consumption numbers - to reduce UPS hit) would already be great :-)
well, haven't tested the situation if a factory building would charge outsided accumulators... (as long that it doesn't work, there's no sense to produce any energy inside the factory building anyway!)
Post scriptum:
regardless this major drawback, your mod and how you realized things is impressive - as i started with factorio i minded about factory buildings but had no idea how to realize - you actually did it and i would miss it hardly if it will go down at some time! - tough i hope the devs implement something like this sooner or later :-)
btw, i saw the thread about polution production - would like it if there could be a way to read polution inside and get it outside :-)