I would like to be able to place a underground belt 'Down' on the outside of a factory building and then anywhere inside the factory, at any orientation, put a underground belt 'Up'. When I left-click on the 'up belt' a choice interface like the one for filter inserter comes up to allow me to choose the output. So I can hook in to the outside via underground belts all the ingredients I will need inside, and then be able to pop up the belt at the exact spot it is needed without having to drag belts around the inside of the factory. The whole use of this mod is to make better use of space, and what better way to do that than pop up an underground belt WHEREVER you need it. And being able to pop it up facing any direction is essential. Of course this ability is a tech that will have to be researched after all the other factorissimo2 techs have been researched first, and worth it at whatever cost. And I should mention that it should also work in reverse for getting items back out of the factory as well.