I have been digging through the code and can now add custom factories to the factorissimo2(F2) mod by injecting into the F2 mod code but then with every update I have to start over again.
I would like to create a new mod dependent on F2 that can define width, height and connections for inside and outside the factory. I could then add technology and recipes.
I have identified where I think the code needs adjusting but have not tested it yet.
prototypes.component.lua needs width and height variables and replace j with w & h
prototypes.layout.lua needs a global AddLayout(name, generator) & make_connection
prototypes.factories.lua could include a generic template to eliminate cwc0() and cc0() calls that I have to duplicate as they're local
If you are interested in adding more factory types to your mod you're welcome to acquire my idea and integrate it as I'm just adding 1 building for now a train station. Not for trains to enter but a factory 40x8 externally and 64x46 internally with connections spaced for train loading and unloading. http://i.imgur.com/DtFLD3g.png I have no art work for it yet.