You seem to have miscalculated a bunch.
Bulk pipes have also received the 10x increase in capacity (resulting in 2500 capacity), so they can transfer just as much fluid as before. At one update every 30 ticks, they can still transfer about as much as a vanilla pipe can under absolutely optimal conditions. At one update every 120 ticks, they can still transfer the produce of an entire offshore pump (2400 water per 120 ticks).
Note that inline pumps have been buffed so much that they transfer twice the contents of a vanilla pipe per tick, which means that any vanilla pipe connected to a pump already reduces its throughput by at least 50%. Pumps have been buffed so much so that you can place a pump directly between a fluid wagon and a storage tank and fill/empty the fluid wagon in reasonable time. Even so, updating a bulk connection once every 10 ticks still transfers more than a pump can pump. You are setting the connection direction properly, right? Setting a bulk fluid connection to transfer mode doubles the throughput compared to balance mode.