
Factorissimo adds factory buildings to Factorio. Place them down, walk in, build your factories inside!

2 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

b FPS low

7 years ago

Max factory fps in dead, please in optimization

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

If Factorissimo2 is even at fault (I don't think so), it's very likely that you're simply using the connections wrong. 1) Learn how to read the information, guide, and entity descriptions, 2) learn how to write a proper bug report. In fact, 2a) learn to write properly. This is not the first time you've given me perfectly unhelpful bug reports.


For future reference, in case other people stumble upon this thread: Factorissimo2 should never drain your UPS unless you're doing something wrong.

To avoid wasting UPS, don't increase the connection update rates to much higher than you need them. Set your chest/belt connections to directional instead of balancing when possible. Use the factory input/output pipes instead of regular pipes to connect to factory ports, they are a great help keeping the necessary update rate low. For example, one single fluid connection using those input/output pipes, set to directional and the lowest update rate (once every 120 ticks), can still transfer 2 offshore pumps worth of water!

Later on, when you have a very big factory and fast belts, you should think about mainly using chest connections instead of belt connections, they're much more UPS friendly. Use robots or loaders to get the items in and out of the chests fast enough.

7 years ago

MagmaMcFly, thanks for your first Factrorissimo and also thank you for the Mk2 version - it's great! But the fact I can do something "wrong", and it will decrease my UPS, frightens me non-illusorily... =) What do you mean by these words? What can go wrong? What are known issues?

Airat9000, если ты хочешь оповестить разработчика мода о найденной ошибке, надо написать хоть что-то, чтобы он смог воспроизвести её. Просто сказать "у меня низкий UPS" даёт ровно столько же информации, сколько даёт молчание. У автора и большинства игроков проблем с UPS нет, а раз у тебя есть - значит, что-то не так. Возможно, с модом. Тогда надо попробовать сломать его. Но ты же не даёшь никаких подробностей, чтобы понять, как его сломать. Что делал, как делал, сколько делал, после чего тормоза начались и т.д. Это всё равно, что ты сдашь преподавателю ОГРОМНУЮ (листов на 100) работу на проверку, а он вернёт её со словами: "Тут ошибка", - но без информации, где (или в чём) именно.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Apriori: Connections cost CPU time. Faster updating connections cost more CPU time. If you set all your connections to update very fast for no reason, then it will hurt your performance (especially circuit connections!). So just don't set your connections to faster than necessary and everything will be fine. You'll also be fine if you just leave the connection speeds to their default values.

By the way, you don't really need to worry all the time about doing something wrong. Your UPS shouldn't go down until very late in the game, even if you don't care about performance, and then you can still easily make your connections more performant afterwards. That's a one-time cleanup job, and until then you can just go wild with your connections and not even care. I'll wager that even without futzing about performance the average game won't ever get UPS drops.

7 years ago

I don't usually post on these threads but I felt like I had to give my opinion here.
I run a 2.5ghz dual core with a 512mb gfx card and 4gb ram ( of which 2gb is constantly in use by win7 )
Me and my friend had a multiplayer save which lasted 50+ hours with more than 20 mods but ran into some performance issues after the 50 hour mark. We decided to break our factory network apart and build it without factorissimo, BIG MISTAKE!
Actually the main reasons for performance issues were radars constantly checking the map, too many biters and too many belts. After building our factory without factorissimo the performance was even worse because it took up alot more space and thus more belts, biters, etc. So we got rid of the radars and most of our belts and since then we haven't dropped under 60 ups yet and the save is now over 200 hours old.
Keep in mind this was with factorissimo v1 though.

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