Factorissimo2 Inception

Start the game inside of a Factorissimo2 factory. No escape from the factory now!

1 year, 7 months ago

i mod compatibility: AAI

3 years ago

Nice mod! I've started playing it yesterday and added AAI Industry to the mix to make the early gale a bit harder, but then when I reached mid green science I noticed it was not "fully" compatible cuz AAI requires wood for green circuits recipe. So I'd like to ask if it would possible to add belt upgrade for wood in case AAI is enabled (or by default, but I guess it would add a lot of resources for power then). I haven't played a lot so I don't know if there is any ploblem with input slots, I just think doing a whole playthrough crafting green circuits off 1 yellow belt was not that fun. I just restarted now but it could be a cool compatibility since AAI has a longer early game using burner energy and in this "trap" you already start with some techs and resource belted ;-)

1 year, 7 months ago

Can you not also use stone slates

1 year, 7 months ago

Sorry for the extremely late reply. Are you asking to add more tiers of wood as input?

1 year, 5 months ago

yes, I suppose it got fixed with "Version: 1.1.10: - Added wood as a limited resource, as some mods need it to start" right? thanks

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