Screenshot Toolkit Update

Updated version of [Screenshot Toolkit]( Will be removed when/if original mod updates. * Screenshots a selected area, similar to programs like the Windows Snipping Tool, Greenshot or Flameshot. * Automatically does screenshots of the whole base in set minute intervals, designed for timelapses. Written to be performance friendly. Aims to be your do-it-all toolkit for screenshots.

2 months ago


Version: 2.6.2
Date: 17.12.2024
    - Fixed crash when starting rocket rush scenario
    - Made button name unique to avoid conflict with other mods
Version: 2.6.1
Date: 10.12.2024
    - Forgot to change some filepath names for the fork.
Version: 2.6.0
Date: 09.12.2024
    - Forked by R3CONN3R to update. Will be removed by request or after Anders142356 is back.
    - Updated for Factorio 2.0.7+. For more info see:
Version: 2.4.8
    - Special thanks to Caleb-Wishart for the contributions of this release!
    - Added new optional shortcut to toggle the GUI.
    - Area selection rectangle is no longer shown on screenshots, achieved by adding a small offset.
    - Zoom slider values now follow pattern [0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32] instead of 0.25 to 5 with 0.25 steps. These values effectively double/half the resolution of the screenshot. 
    - Added a tooltip to the zoom slider.
Version: 2.4.7
    - Area screenshot improvements with multiple surfaces. The selection rectangle now draws on the right surface, and the screenshot will be taken on the surface with the selection, instead of the surface you are looking at.
    - Added missing locale entries
Version: 2.4.6
    - Fixed some logging issues
    - Fixed issue of wrong resolution being used for auto screenshot
Version: 2.4.5
    - Fixed rare crash on using shortcuts as client, probably when the server restarts without opening the ui in certain constellations
Version: 2.4.4
    - Fixed crash on deleting a surface whilst fragmented screenshots were in the process
    - Fixed memory leak when deleting surfaces
    - Fixed UI-toggle button icon being stuck with the red version when the currently screenshotted surface was deleted until a new set of screenshots were made
Version: 2.4.3
    - Fixed area resolution and filesize estimates not changing when changing the zoom slider
Version: 2.4.2
    - Fixed debug mode being ignored and always off
    - Fixed issue of areas being only a line if the exact border between two tiles was clicked
    - Fixed countdown showing 0min 59s in an edge case, although it should show 59s
    - huge refactor of almost everything in preparation for big gui update
    - improved performance for queuing system for screenshots
    - adjusted png file size estimates, as they seem to have been way too high so far
Version: 2.4.1
    - Changed logo, now its fancy :D
Version: 2.4.0
    - The button for opening the ui now changes to a red skull when auto screenshots are done. This helps identifying wether or not a sudden lag is caused by screenshots. The icon is a WIP icon, as I plan to change the icon anyways very soon.
Version: 2.3.2
    - The extra space below the surface list items is now gone at the cost of no horizontal scrolling.
Version: 2.3.1
    - The list of surfaces will now only display a maximum of 8 surfaces. After that a scrollbar will appear.
Version: 2.3.0
    - Area screenshots can now be custom named.
    - Area screenshots now support JPG output format.
    - JPG output format now supports a quality setting.
    - Removed multiplayer warning in area screenshots panel
Version: 2.2.3
    - Fixed a crash when changing the mod version from below 2.1 to 2.2.2
Version: 2.2.2
    - Now with shortcuts! See the information page for instructions. Feature request by Wiwiweb.
    - Slight beginnings of code refactoring. I have to peel the logic from the ui code to allow for things like calculating estimates without having a gui built at all. Currently its... pragmatic design, as there was no need to overengineer it. >.> Even though one could argue this whole mod is overengineering <.<
Version: 2.2.1
    - Fixed issue with countdown never being more than 59 seconds after the first auto screenshot was done
Version: 2.2.0
    - Added daytime picker, with default being "current time", as requested by Wiwiweb
Version: 2.1.7
    - Fixed status field being empty for the first second of opening the ui the first time
    - Pretty big refactor of gui code. Gui creation is now a seperate file.
Version: 2.1.6
    - Fixed crash that after deleting an area, adding or deleting a surface and then trying to open the ui. That was nasty to track down!
Version: 2.1.5
    - Potential fix for crash on opening the ui the first time
    - Fixed issue where player settings are lost in some cases
    - Fixed issue of new gui elements not being shown in gui (not properly reset issue)
Version: 2.1.4
    - Added further options to the area screenshots (show alt-mode, show-ui, show-building-preview, use-anti-alias)
    - There is now feedback when doing an area screenshot hinting the location of the done screenshot.
Version: 2.1.3
    - Fixed issue with screenshots sometimes not showing all of the base
    - Fixed issue with changing resolution not being handled properly. The Zoom level is independent of the chosen resolution, so when changing from 8K to 16K the zoom must be adjusted, otherwise the higher resolution just causes the extra pixels to show extra area around the base. Now a proper recalculation is triggered.
Version: 2.1.2
    - Fixed issue of area estimates being empty when loading save in multiplayer, even though there is an area selected
    - Fixed issue with "Start Area Screenshot" button always being disabled when loading save in multiplayer, regardless of wether or not a screenshot would be valid at that time
    - The default for the "Single tick screenshot" checkbox is now the "checked" state.
Version: 2.1.1
    - Fixed issue of selection rectangle not being deletable in certain cases
    - Fixed various initialization issues that would cause player controls to fall back to default values and... crashes
    - Fixed issue that player controls would reset when opening a save saved in singleplayer in multiplayer
    - Countdown is now only refreshed when it is not equal to the new value, so everytime it is '-'
    - Improved logging
Version: 2.1.0
    - Dropped support for old settings values. For some time now the settings have been made invisible, but were still read to avoid people not doing screenshots all of a sudden or vice versa. This is now dropped as regular users will have used the mod since then at least once, which causes the values to be stored in the new system and users from months ago should have a fresh look at the ui and new controls anyways.
    - Added surface support! Now several surfaces can be screenshotted
    - Now several players can screenshot in parallel instead of one after another
    - Added gui to support the new features
    - Removed "Panel" from the panel name
    - Great refactor due to the changes, increased stability and maintainability
    - added proper logging
Version: 2.0.14
    - Updated thumbnail to fit the design of the information page
Version: 2.0.13
    - Added 16K screenshot option to auto screenshots as requested by Silv3RKill3R
Version: 2.0.12
    - Hopefully fixed an unreproducable crash reported by Silv3RKill3R
Version: 2.0.11
    - Fixed crash when client is connecting, not opening the ui and auto screenshots finished
Version: 2.0.10
    - Fixed crash when a client is connecting a second time
Version: 2.0.9
    - Fixed issue of auto screenshots not actually being centered on the base, but being moved vertically. I am sorry if this caused some timelapses to be broken.
    - Pretty big refactor of the code to prepare the code for the upcoming changes.
Version: 2.0.8
    - Fixed issue of countdown always being < 1min after finishing screenshots, no matter the set interval
Version: 2.0.7
    - Left a debug print in there. Sry >.>
Version: 2.0.6
    - Fixed crash on loading a game in multiplayer that was saved in single player with the gui open.
Version: 2.0.5
    - Fixed crash on placing the first block in a new save.
Version: 2.0.4
    - Changed the gui to be collapsable
    - Moved the auto screenshot settings to the gui. Settings are now hidden, but are read if you had them set in a non-default way. Do not worry!
    - Fixed issue of debug setting not being applied when being set in-game
    - Fixed major persistancy issue that made the game crash within 1 second on loading a save that has the mod in use
    - Fixed nasty issue with base analysis that caused issues with detecting the borders of the base correctly on loading the mod on an already existing base
    - Fixed crash on placing the very first block of a base
    - Refactored big parts of the code and increased maintainability a lot
Version: 2.0.3
    - Area selection is now correctly canceled on pressing 'Q' or copy pasting whilst selecting an area
    - Fixed crash on placing any block
    - Fixed selection-tools spamming inventory when pressing 'Q' or copy pasting anything whilst selecting an area
Version: 2.0.2
    - Added small "x" button to top right of frame
    - Fixed broken name and missing tooltip of controls entry in controls settings.
    - Changed name of panel to "Screenshot Toolkit Panel"
Version: 2.0.1
    - Added instructions how to select an area in a tooltip
    - Added info-icons to important tooltips
    - Prepared localization
    - Reverted order of changelogs so that the newest are on top
Version: 2.0.0
    - There is a gui now! Weeeee!
    - Screenshots of selected areas are now possible using the new gui, as requested by Ida-Marie. For limitations please have a look at the FAQ and mod description on the mod portal.
    - The code of the mod was completely restructured and blew up completely. Now it is roughly 5x its former size. If this now causes new instabilities please notify me so on the mod portal. I will watch it thoroughly for the following days.
    - Changed the mod icon. Yes, I really like skulls.
Version: 1.1.5
    - 1.1 didn't break anything, adjusted the compatible game version.
Version: 1.1.4
    - Fixed issue of "there are still screenshots to be done" warning being thrown when no new screenshot is registered and skipped. Also, adjusted text slightly
    - Changed mod thumbnail to this masterpiece. I made a lot of people look at it. I love it.
Version: 1.1.3
    - Changed the "Increased Splitting" from being a tickbox to being a dropdown of different increase factors. Changed Tooltip accordingly.
    - Changed Mod description to better represent what it is doing.
Version: 1.1.2
    - Zoom level is now capped at 32. Any zoom level over 32 would crash the game due to the engine limiting it. And tbh, any higher zoom level would zoom everything out so far one couldn't identify anything anyways. The player will be warned when this limit is hit.
    - Increased factorio version from 0.18 to 1.0
Version: 1.1.1
    - Improved splitting ratios after looking at the math of it and seeing some potential for it
Version: 1.1.0
    - Added possibility to do the screenshot over several ticks, with subscreenshots being taken based on the base size. This prevents freezeframes on medium or bigger bases.
    - Split screenshots are saved in a separate folder called "split"
    - Added "enable single tick screenshot" setting. This is false by default.
    - Added "increased splitting" setting. This is false by default.
    - If the script is not done with all screenshots after one minute there will be a warning and the screenshot is skipped. For more information have a look at the "increased splitting" setting tooltip.
    - Fixed typo in "Enable debug?" setting tooltip
    - Currently there is no way to stitch the multiscreenshots together. This will be the next step.
Version: 1.0.5
    - Added "enable debug" setting. This enables verbose logging, which can slow the game down significantly. Use this if, and only if, you want to create a log for a bugreport.
    - Fixed issue with settings sometimes not being loaded (I hope at least, Im going crazy here, not gonna lie (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ )
Version: 1.0.4
    - Fixed issue with screenshots being saved in the wrong folder
Version: 1.0.3
    - On building large blueprints there should be no more freeze for a few frames, as the limits for new screenshots are now only calculated once there was something built that leaves the boundaries of the current limits.
    - Fixed issue with last fix causing desyncs in multiplayer. Sry, but factorio is really unfriendly in that regard :/
Version: 1.0.2
    - Fixed issue with loading properly on mod or base game version change.
Version: 1.0.1
    - Zoom is now adjusted softer. Instead of doing 1/(2^n) it is now 1/n. Before the image size was quadrupled every adjustment.
    - Fixed crashes occuring on loading the script on a fresh map.
    - Fixed crashes on "sandbox" gametype being caused by player character missing.
Version: 1.0.0
    - First release of the script. Now automatically does the screenshots
    - Settings are now properly read
    - Adjust zoom level based on base size and new buildings being placed
    - General Bugfixes