FTL Ships

by Pankeko

This mod adds some ships from FTL

2 years ago

i SE Space Compatibility

2 years ago

Is it possible to place it in space?

2 years ago

I haven't played the game in a while, so i tried it out and doesn't let me place it down because it is a "ground vehicle" I'd love to add that functionality but I'm not an expert at coding, maybe in the future!

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Here are the criteria SE uses to decide whether you can place a vehicle in space:

if is_surface_space(entity.surface) then
  if (entity.type == "car")
    and (not string.find(entity.name, mod_prefix.."space", 1, true))
    and entity.prototype.effectivity > 0 then
    return cancel_entity_creation(entity, event.player_index, {"space-exploration.construction-denied-vehicle-in-space"}, event)

So viable options are:

  • Prototype the entities on something that isn't a car.

  • Add "space" to the entity names.

  • Ask Earendel for a way to add vehicles that doesn't suck.

Looking at the source of Lex's Aircraft (which does work in space), the aircraft are prototyped on the spidertron. Probably the best option.


type = "car",

would become

type = "spider-vehicle",
2 years ago

I tried making it a spider-vehicle but then it asks for a whole different graphics set i cannot wrap my head around, and adding the prefix space has also not worked, im trying to figure out a way

2 years ago

the prefix you want is se-space.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

the prefix you want is "se-space". Also, I accidentally double posted instead of editing the previous comment... smh

2 years ago

oh thank you! expect an update soon!

New response