by npo6ka

FNEI mod. All recipes for items and usage for them.

15 days ago
0.15 - 2.0

g Should really be named to FJEI.

1 year, 2 months ago

You know how this mod is Factorio Not Enough Items (probably inspired by Not Enough Items) Well, on the modding community which NEI is from, JEI is actually THE most downloaded mod and also does pretty much the same thing as NEI, just different interface. Consider renaming to FJEI!

3 months ago

The reason JEI exist and also why it now has more downloads than NEI now is because NEI stopped being maintained for a while long time. I see no need to change the name of the mod to reflect the current Minecraft mod to fill that role or we would need to shortly change the name again to FREI.

Or we could go the other way take the name of the mod NEI is based on and call it FTMI.

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